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Hungry, Hungry Chromis


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How often and how much do you all feed your Green Chromis?


I just put one in today and it was chasing all the air bubbles so I fed him some thawed brine. Man, did that guy eat it up fast. Was quite amusing watching it dart around, following the current to catch it.


Now he's still chasing air bubbles -- did I not feed him enough? How often should I feed him? LFS said 2 times a day. Wadda think?


Thankee sai

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You could feed these fish throughtout the day every hour to simulate natural food intake, but in captivity, feeding this may hurt the overall tank. I would stick to whatever feeding regimine works for whatever water change regimine youre doing. For example i feed 4 times a day (automatic feeder) and do weekly water changes (10%). If you do bi-weekly i would suggest 2 times a day, every 3 weeks once a day, every month- once sparingly. Of course you can feed more often than i point out, but you may have some serious problems down the road. Also it depends on what kind of system you are running and the only way you can for sure find out what works is through trial and error.

I would suggest getting a nitrate test kit. Feed whatever you normally do and test the nitrate as often as possible. Once the level reaches 30ppm, it's time to do a water change. once it hits that level again, its time to do a water change.... this works very well for many people.


best of luck


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Very informative. Thanks six-liner. I have a nitrate kit and will check it every couple of days and try feeding my lil green guy 3 times a day. Time will tell and I hope I don't hurt em.


Thanks again -- great response.

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