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White Ricordia w/green bumps...plain jane?


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I got my first coral last week!


It's a white ricordia with green bumps...I got it in my saltwaterfish.com order. (Still not over the one-armed boxing crab bit...) X)


I've scoured many sites, but I've never seen a white one...is it because this is the 'plain jane' kind that no one in their right mind would try to sell? (I've attached a pic, but it's not very good.)


Also, it seems to be very sensitive to light. Even after acclimating for four days in the shadier parts of my aquarium, it folds all up and sucks it's bumps in when I turn on the lights...and stays that way all day.


Is this normal??

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It's beached a bit. As it gets used to your lighting, it will more than likely color up to an all around darker green. Here is an example of what I mean.


Our Orange Ricordeas were a small and bleached when we got them. Here is them coloring up over time.


Pic taken 12/30/2002



Pic taken 2/17/2003



Pic taken 3/9/2003



Pic taken 4/1/03



Pic taken 5/22/03



Pic taken 8/29/03



Hope this helps!



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Wow! Yours are GORGEOUS! (and, your pictures come out beautifully...I need to figure out what I'm doing wrong there...)


Now I look forward to seeing how mine ends up! =)



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real nice progression photos. Since I don't care for shroms that much, I never evened wondered if the colors change on them. I guess that $15 pink and purple cap might find it's way into my tank after all.




I'll assume you got the cap at a LFS. What kind of lighting was it under compared to what you have on your tank?


A store near me has all there corals in 30 gallon tanks. One tank has about 15 or caps of that color. But they are on the bottom and under 2 NO florescents. Several things I have bought from them tok a while adjusting to my higher intensity lighting. I took weeks for some of the zoos to even open.

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I actually got it from saltwaterfish.com...so I don't know what they kept it under for lighting. That's a question I should e-mail them with.


As of today, it still "cringes" when I turn the lights on in the morning, even though I have it tucked in a shady spot under my powerhead. (not the best for viewing!) It does stay more open than it was at first, but it hasn't darkened any, yet. Although it does appear to have formed a second mouth!


Incidentally, it was only $4.99 w/free shipping, so I can't complain.


I'm running 2x32W (one actinic, one 10K), which is a helluva lot brighter than I've seen in any of the rare LFS stores peddling coral in my vicinity.

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By you saying it looks to be forming a second mouth, that maybe an answer right there. If it really is, once the second forms then maybe both will fill out more.

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It definitely formed a second mouth, but it still shrivels up bigtime when I turn the lights on. It's also still just as pale...reminds me of myself on vacation in California a few weeks ago!


Over the past couple of days it has been looking thinner in the middle because it's almost clear vs. white. Maybe it's splitting in two? I don't know how it could be undergoing all these good "growth" stages when it's so unhappy with the light!

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theres a rock in my LFS with about 5 or 6 shrooms that look just like yours under one pendant metal halide that lost its juice prolly three years ago:) Gil if thats whats in store for me under good lighting its going to be my fist lfs purchase!. What a great sequence of shots. What is you lighting? Im setting up now and i think im going to go with 4x96w pc for a 30gal. I want to focus on ricorda, zoos, maybe a clam and some sps. I bet there are alot of hidden jewels like that growing in the rubble of LFS. Sorry i cant help ya nano, i do agree with an earlier poster to have patience, nothing good happens fast!(not my line sadly)

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