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My Clowns hate eachother


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I have a mated pair of clowns, they are an odd couple and many of you may say its not possible, but it is.

i have 1 black ocellaris and 1 Picasso. at my LFS they were great together, put them on hold for a week checking in everyday to see if they were getting along and to my amazement they were playing dancing etc. plus they are only a few months old!


so yesterday I brought them home and placed them in my tank and right away my black clown was attacking my Picasso. constantly for hours biting, chasing, head butting my poor Picasso. he seemed really stressed like gasping and laying on his side on the surface. I finally bought a breeders net to separate the two and will add her back in, in a few days


now my question is, how come they are doing this now? once peaceful now scary!


my LFS said he was surprised they are fighting because he remembered them being happy. he also mentioned i could return the aggressor for a different clown.



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I brought home my clowns today, and when i was at the LFS my clowns were dancing and swimming side by side, so they looked happy.


Well now since iv brought them home and put them in my tank, my female keeps attacking my male! like constantly biting or pushing him


is this normal? because they were not like this at the LFS!

sounds like they are pairing up? Correct me if i'm wrong anyone, i'm still pretty new.

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I have two clowns, a picasso and an onyx, that were peaceful for a few months until one started getting aggressive. If I QT'ed one the other would become aggressive, to the point where fins would get fairly shreaded. So to solve the problem, I bought a container like they use at the LFS to catch fish before bagging, dremmeled slits in three panes, and captured my aggresser. After about 5 days in the holding bin in the main tank, the aggressor was released back into the tank with the more passive clown. After about a week, the pattern of aggression returned, and the process was repeated. After two time outs the clowns seemed to have mellowed substantially. They aren't interested in each other at all, but the balance seems to be thrown off if one clown starts hosting.

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I turned the Attinic lights on, and they seems to mellow out by 70% i think they are just scared and not used to the new enviroment


It happens...can't control nature...unfortunately...just have to let them sort things out themselves...if worse comes to worse take one back before the other kills it!



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I lied, I think the problem is they are now hosting themselves in the reflection of the tank... and at night they cant see themselves so they are calm...


should i quartine the aggressive one and hope it gets lonely ? im not sure what to do, right now i have the tank wrapped around with a towl to throw them off a little...seems to be working


any suggestions?

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and your point?, these guys are only babies, just a few months old. iv seen clowns live in peace together while being different types....even at the LFS they were peaceful and playing...now they just hate eachother

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and your point?, these guys are only babies, just a few months old. iv seen clowns live in peace together while being different types....even at the LFS they were peaceful and playing...now they just hate eachother


Hopefully both clowns are the same species. I'm not sure if they will pair otherwise.
they wont
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well to everyone's surprise, iv been reading around on other boards, OSA, and other various informational sites and iv come to the conclusion, its possible to have 2 different clowns, they have to be young, and they need time.

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i'm not trying to pick a fight. but when i warn you that different species of clowns may not get along, you go ahead and get them anyway, and then wonder why they aren't getting along - at some point you need to start answering some of your own questions.


well to everyone's surprise, iv been reading around on other boards, OSA, and other various informational sites and iv come to the conclusion, its possible to have 2 different clowns, they have to be young, and they need time.

not guaranteed. since you have done your research, you shouldn't be surprised that they are fighting.


if you really want to keep them both, i would recommend what one of the posters said and getting a breeder net or specimen container and isolate one of the clowns until the less dominant one can get comfortable with its surroundings so it knows where to hide when being bothered.

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I didnt mean to come off rude, Im just fusterated.

but I bought a breeder net and going to leave the aggressive one in there for a week.

I called my LFS and they said they remember my pair and thought they were doing great with eachother while at the store, and was surprised to hear they were fighting, he said let them work it out on their own but he also said if i wasnt satisified he would take back one and give me a less aggressive one.

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I didnt mean to come off rude, Im just fusterated.

but I bought a breeder net and going to leave the aggressive one in there for a week.

I called my LFS and they said they remember my pair and thought they were doing great with eachother while at the store, and was surprised to hear they were fighting, he said let them work it out on their own but he also said if i wasnt satisified he would take back one and give me a less aggressive one.

no prob. just trying to help you out. it's good that he'll let you return it if it doesn't work out. if you do have to return one, i would return the occelaris and get a percula to pair with the picasso.


i currently have a percula pair and i paired them differently than most - i added a large percula in with a smaller one that had already been in the tank. the large perc was a complete a-hole to the smaller one and the smaller one constantly had "the shakes" trying to get the large perc to pair up with it. the now both host the same frogspawn, but the larger one can still get very aggressive sometimes. i'm pretty sure they've paired though, i just think the female is extremely aggressive. i recently added a bunch of new fish and the clowns are bullying the other fish - so i hope this makes them less aggressive towards each other.


good luck. some people are sick of clowns, but i don't think i'll ever own a tank without a pair.

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well the breeders net has given the picasso some rest from the abuse, but im also concern about him eatting


right now im feeding brine shrimp, should i have gone with mysis shrimp?

because the picasso does not seem interested at all in food, even by himself now!

but the ocellaris eats like a pig when I feed her


why wont my picasso eat?!

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well the breeders net has given the picasso some rest from the abuse, but im also concern about him eatting


right now im feeding brine shrimp, should i have gone with mysis shrimp?

because the picasso does not seem interested at all in food, even by himself now!

but the ocellaris eats like a pig when I feed her


why wont my picasso eat?!


Probably just really stressed out...let him be for a little bit...personally I would get some cyclops and put some drops of Garlic if you can...this is what i usually do for fish that one eat...for some reason they just LOVE the cyclops, it's like drugs to them! hahahahahahahahahaha :D




PS you can also try the ORA pellets...my clowns love them too! :D

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well the breeders net has given the picasso some rest from the abuse, but im also concern about him eatting


right now im feeding brine shrimp, should i have gone with mysis shrimp?

because the picasso does not seem interested at all in food, even by himself now!

but the ocellaris eats like a pig when I feed her


why wont my picasso eat?!

it may take a day or two to eat, especially after being harassed. mysis is better than brine. soak mysis or brine in selcon or vitachem every now and then if you have any. buy some flakes or pellets too. although fish may take a while to get used to them, i prefer pellets b/c you can feed them one at a time until the fish no longer eat them. just try a different combination of things until it starts eating (but just a little so you don't put too many nutrients into the tank).


cyclopeeze is awesome too. fish and coral love that stuff.

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i would just lets them chill out. my picassos are doing the same thing and i just leave them (it will get better over time) and try feeding hikari marine A, i even got clown tangs to eat this.

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well that breeders net did mircles, I let her out today and she's calm and playing with him like she did at the fish store...hopefully no more outrageous out bursts!



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