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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Which would you go with?


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Hello, I am a newbie but I have a friend who has had a 75 gallon tank for the last 4 or 5 years. He has talked me into setting up my own but I am still deciding on the tank I should go with and wanted your guys input since you all have Nano's.

I have two different ones that I am leaning to but I am open to anything else as well:

The first one is the

Azoo 7.4 gallon Sweet Match. It seems like a nice little tank. My friend said it would work IHO. He also liked the other one I am looking at which is the JBJ 12 gallon Nano Cube. I like this one because it has more room but more is not always better.

I would love any ones opinion on these or maybe another one that I have not listed here.



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If you want to later upgrade to a larger tank, go with the bigger tank at first, most NewB think 'ohh, ill just start with this little tank, how hard could it be?' the answer is way harder than a larger more stable tank, If you want a good Nano to keep for years I would go with a standard 20L, more room for aquascaping and better lighting abaliable, those tanks are hard to find adequite lighting for, but a 20L would be good.


I saw a sweet nano, it was a 12g jbj, but it had a 29g sump/fuge...


Stability is an issue most newbies cant handle, but it isnt as hard as most people make it out to be.

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