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Pod Your Reef

Jamie's 5.5


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Woo! looks nice! I love that goby..I can never find cool fish around here lol it's funny you say ya want a anemone shrimp, I bought one yesterday along with a fire fish..pretty cool skrimp, I had never seen one around here and cheap haha $7


Keep up the great work!


Seven dollars! They're 20 here :( . Maybe I'll get one online or something.





nice fish!


Thanks. You need to update your thread.







nice little goby, gbg are cool, I still have mine. I have a blue neon goby in my biotope tank


My lfs said they were gonna get a blue neon goby today, but I can't fit it in my budget, unfortunately.


Also today at the lfs they had an awesome bluestripe pipefish, about two inches long. Would have been perfect for this tank! Too bad I already bought my fish. I would get it, but then I couldn't get an anemone shrimp (not enough $, I only have 40 dollars left!).


Ricordea is doing nicely, I'll see if I can get a pic in a few minutes.

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Suspense? I'm not... wait, what do you call feeling suspense? I'm not suspended, I guess. :lol: But srsly, updat ur threadz. You only have a week to get an fts anyway.

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Suspense? I'm not... wait, what do you call feeling suspense? I'm not suspended, I guess. :lol: But srsly, updat ur threadz. You only have a week to get an fts anyway.


we will soon...waiting for the new additions to look happy first :)

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I did a zoomed in right and left fts, so you can see details better








Purple/pink rhodactis



This is the "ugly" brown mushroom. It actually looks nice, imo, this close up, but unless your nose is pressed up agains the glass, you can't see the blue spots at all, so it just looks brown. <_<




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heh, no idea. radioactive something maybe? I don't really do the whole naming thing, I think they're pretty common though. They used to have tentacles, but they were living with my friend for a while and I think they got scorched under his lighting. We'll see if they grow back now that they're under less light.

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I had a great day at the fishstore! I got the acan- two polyps, and he only charged me 15 dollars instead of the 20 he said before. I also pre ordered the anemone shrimp, and it was only twelve dollars, not the 20 that I though it would be. PLUS, it was they're anniversary sale, so I got 10% off on everything, so I spent $24.30 on what I though would be $40! Now I can buy more things! YAY! :D

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I know! And now I have 10.71 left to get whatever I want! What should it be? I might be able to afford another little goby, or I could get a little zoa frag. My lfs also had this really beautiful blue monti digi. It might turn brown under my lighting, but I bet I could convince them to give me a tiny frag for $10, and I will be uprading to MH after the contest is over, so it would color back up. Opinions?

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Coralife t-5's, can't remember the wattage, but it says at the beginning of the thread.

Yes, if you sell something, you get the money back.

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The tank was looking nice in the sun this morning. Got a shot of the blasto:





The new acan isn't looking great. He had to scrape it off the pipe it was growing on in the store, so it was pretty po'ed. I also epoxied it down, which it didn't like. Then, during the night, the amphipods decided it looked tasty and nibbled around the edges. I supposed it could just be tissue necrosis from the epoxy, and they were just cleaning it up. I hope that's the case, because I don't want evil amphipods eating my corals! Anyways, it's at the stage where it can still recover, if things stop bothering it. I've had blastos that looked much worse than this, but recovered, but this isn't a blasto. Anyone know how well these can recover from damage?

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I don't like the sound of that on the Acan.

They recover quite well from fragging, but getting scraped off something doesn't sound good.

Did you actually epoxy the tissue, or just on the hard skeleton?

I'd give it an iodine dip ASAP.

If you have lugol's, do:

1 cup tankwater

1 drop lugol's iodine

3-4 mins.


You can also use Seachem Reef Dip and go by the instructions on the bottle.

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I don't like the sound of that on the Acan.

They recover quite well from fragging, but getting scraped off something doesn't sound good.

Did you actually epoxy the tissue, or just on the hard skeleton?

I'd give it an iodine dip ASAP.

If you have lugol's, do:

1 cup tankwater

1 drop lugol's iodine

3-4 mins.


You can also use Seachem Reef Dip and go by the instructions on the bottle.


I just epoxied the skeleton. The epoxy sort of touched the tissue on the sides. It's sort of hard to explain what I'm trying to say, so I'll try and get a picture. Basically, though, it was a really flat frag. It was growing on a piece of pvc pipe. It must have been a larva that attached there, because it was totally flush with the pvc, nor rock or anything under it, just a thin layer of skeleton, with the tissue on top of it. To attach it to the rock, I made a little bed of epoxy, then pressed the frag onto it. Unfortunately, I can't take it out of the tank to do a dip, because it's attached to the big rock, unless I dip all the other corals on that rock too. I don't want to try to detach it from he epoxy, cause that's what stressd it in the first place. I might be able to get the epoxy "bed" off of the rock and dip that, but I'm not sure, I don't know howe well it is wedged into the rock. I don't have any iodine, unfortunately. All I have is "Revive Coral Cleaner" which contains Oleum abietis and Citrus limon, according to the bottle. Would that even do anything?

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I have taken epoxy off of rocks before..try pulling really hard..if not get something to pry between the rock and the epoxy and it should come loose, be careful and don't smoosh the acan in the process ..leave the frag on the epoxy..you don't want to damage it any more


hope this helps

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Not so far, they've left it alone all day. I guess we'll see tomorrow morning. If they keep eating it I could move it to the mini fuge thing. All there is in there are two tiny pices of chaeto, I don't think there are many, if any, amphipods. The fuge doesn't have a light, but it gets sunlight, and some light spills over from the tank, so it would be okay in there for at least a few days while it healed up.

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Wait for lugol's or Seachem Reef Dip or at least something iodine based, but get it as quickly as possible.

I would try to remove the epoxy from the rock, or at worst just pick up the whole dern rock and stick the part with the acan in the dip for 3 mins.

Most corals can survive that long out of water.

That acan needs a dip.

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Okay, I'll pick some up after school tomorrow and giv it a go. Just curious, because I've never looked into it before, but what does the iodine do for the coral? Is it a killing parasites thing, or is it more of a nutrient for the coral? Or both?

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