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Jamie's 5.5


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Ooh, those look nice. Wet Web Media says that genus is known for beatiful juviniles that turn into drab adults. :/ Anyways, I'm leaning more towards a goby than a damsel - I decided that big/active fish in small tanks decrease the aesthetic value, at least in this case. I'm gonna drop by a fish store that normally carries neons gobies sometime this week, and see what I can find. Probably won't get anything, but maybe if something catches my eye.


Edit: actually, come to think of it, a little frogfish would be cool, but probably out of my price range. that and I want somehting more colorful. Not ruling anything out yet though.

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Yeah, pretty much anything mentioned so far could be kept in a 5 gal. I'm not sure about firefish, I thought they needed something more like a ten g, but they could probably be kept ina five, just make sure you have a lid (that goes for all gobies).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks. :)


Nothing has changed so far, other than a little growth from everything. I'm still looking for a fish, I think I might go witha neon goby, because of the nice blue color. I've started seeing flatworms in this tank, more than I'd like to have, and I was wondering if anyone knows of something that will eat them? I've heard that damsels, will, but not sure about this. They're not the kind that eat any kind of coral, but I've heard of them invading, so I don't want to let them get out of hand.

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I have heard of sixlines eating them...but I think it will be to big for a 5.5..try and pull as many out by suction during water changes..they make flatworm exit but I wouldn't try chemicals in such a small tank

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I think they must be eating algae or detritus, because all my corals look fine, and I don't know what else it could be. I'll do a water change this weekend and see if I have any luck sucking them out. I'll also try and get pics, but they're really tiny! About 1 mm long. They're also really fast, which seems weird for a flatworm, but that's definitely what they are. I guess it's fine as long as they're not botheing anything.


I was thinking about a green banded goby. I would get a pair, but I don't think I can afford it. :(

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Sounds like you've got Planaria sp flatworms in there. They are a real PITA, mostly cuz they're ugly and cover everything up.


In my previous tank I could keep them in check by siphoning most out when WC. They also die from FW-dips, but that has it's negatives in other aspects.


As mentioned earlier in the thread sixline wrasses eat them, and I've also heard of mandarin dragonets and other gobioids that eat them.


Looking good though.


Good luck!

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Well, I went to the fishstore after school today, and the had a really cool little goby! I wasn't sure what it was, and niether were they, so I brought it home! (Yay for impulse buys!). It looks to be from the genus Eviota, but I haven't been able to determine the species. I found it on liveaquaria, but the scientific name they have is wrong, a google search of the name they give, Eviota nigriventris, is clearly a different goby. Mine looks like the picture, though. http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_di...amp;pcatid=1727


I hope it eats flatworms! If it doesn't, I'm sure can deal with them some other way.


I'll get pics up as soon as I get some!


And I still want a greenbanded goby. I think once the contest is over ad I don't have a budget I'll get one! That or a yashia goby. They had a yashia at the store today too, but it was 50 dollars. :(

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Well it's red, and it's an Eviota goby, so I would say so! Still haven't been able to find a latin name on the internets.


Okay, I found a list of names, which do you think it is?


Eviota afelei x

Eviota albolineata x

Eviota bifasciata

Eviota bimaculata***

Eviota cometa x

Eviota distigma x

Eviota disrupta x

Eviota fasciola***

Eviota herrei x

Eviota infulata x

Eviota inutilis***

Eviota lachdeberei x

Eviota melasma x

Eviota monostigma***

Eviota nebulosa x

Eviota nigriventris

Eviota pellucida

Eviota prasina x

Eviota prasites x

Eviota punctulata x

Eviota queenslandica x

Eviota sebreei x

Eviota sigillata x

Eviota sparsa x

Eviota spilota x

Eviota storthynx x

Eviota variola***

Eviota zebrina x

Eviota zonura x


EDIT: Okay, After looking up everything, I've adjusted the list. x = definitely not it; bold = could be it; *** = I couldn't find any pictures. There were no for sure matches.

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Got some pics and a new fts! The zoanthids were unhappy where they were, so moved them to an area with lower flow and higher light, and they're much happier. When I was in the lfs yesterday, he showed me two polyps of orange crush acan, and said he'd sell em to me for just 20 dollars! So I'll be picking those up tomorrow. :D I also might take a trip down to the other lfs and see if they've got any anemone shrimp, they seem to have them pretty often. I also found out, in my goby research, that eviota gobies have the shortest lifespan of all vertebrates - E. nigriventris lives for just 59 days! :( I hope mine makes it to the end of the contest, otherwise I may be fishless.


Here are my planned purchases:

orange crush acan - $20

another frogspawn or hammer frag - $15-20

either some zoas or a frag of blue monti digitata - $20


I also have an ugly brown hitch hiking mushroom that I need to deduct from my budget, that I haven't gotten a price quote on yet.


Sorry, didn't have time to upload all the pics, here's what I've got for now:

new lid: DSC_0194.jpg





frogspawn (hard to get good pics of!)



I should be able to get the rest of the photos up in an hour or so.



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Okay, here are the rest:





zoas (happier)






snail +shroom






Picked up a nice purple florida ricordea for 20 dollars today, couldn't find an anemone shrimp though. The ric isn't as purple under my 10k's but it still looks decent. I'll get a pic once it opens a little more.

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Woo! looks nice! I love that goby..I can never find cool fish around here lol it's funny you say ya want a anemone shrimp, I bought one yesterday along with a fire fish..pretty cool skrimp, I had never seen one around here and cheap haha $7


Keep up the great work!

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