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I finally got the 7g minibow started...and well, as much reading as I've been doing, it really feels like I know nothing now! I've read about all of the stuff time and time again, but now I'm the one asking the questions.



I have red algae growing all over my LR, its not slimy, nor is it thick. Just random hairy stuff all over. What is this, and is it bad?



I have a brown coating *everywhere* in my tank that I constantly have to blow off with a turkey baster. Is this detrius? And if so, what can I do to get rid of it.



I use RO/DI water that has some rediculously close number to 0 ppm in phosphates, so I dont know why I have algae so badly.


I have been reading like no other, and have done many a search on these topics...please dont flame me for asking such simple questions, its a lot harder once the tank is started than I imagined. Thank you ahead of time.

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Welcome to the hobby!


The red algae was probably already on the LR, & it may be feeding on the phosphates from the die-off. Don't worry about it at this point. Hair algae is bad when it's on your LR, but normal when first starting a tank. You can only hope that it will die down in time. RO/DI is a great way to kick hair algae in the @ss. I'd start out cycling only with a 6-hour light cycle, then gradually increase over the next month. If you still have hair algae after six months, it must be getting it's food elsewhere.


Phosphates are everywhere, not just in water. Example - for a while I was using marine flakes that were loaded with phosphates. I never would have guessed.


Last year I had a ton of hair algae in my tank. I'd come home from work, use a toothbrush to get it off the LR, then repeat the next day. Then a month later I read an article on RC that said when you "scrub" the algae in your tank, you're releasing - you guessed it - phosphates into the tank. It's a perpetual circle when it gets really bad.


The coating is detritus & die-off. You can siphon it or use a turkey baster to suck it out.


This is a fun time getting your tank ready, so don't let the hair algae bum you out too bad - yet. Most people in the forums here don't have bad algae problems, just the unlucky ones like me.



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Ross- thank you sooo much for taking the time to help me out, its nice not to be flamed for asking such a simple question. I'm actually running an 11 hour light cycle, so that could be part of the problem. Also, I've just been blowing the detrius around rather than sucking it up. Thanks for your help, I really do appreciate it!

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Ross, you rock! Oh and I am a victim of the hair algae...tank dismantle this weekend. No worries though...back up and running within the month.



Katydidit, you have been asking all the right quetions over the past couple months. Don't be worried about asking...we're here to help. :P

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Its kind of sad how newbies come here and ask about stuff they really *need* to know, and get yelled at for not ''searching" like they should. Its so unreal to me actually starting this...it makes my dorm the envy of everyone elses. Its awesome to explain all of the aspects of my tank, even though I'm still in the process of cycling. I actually have three feather dusters that hitchhiked onto one piece of rock...granted it was 10 bucks a pound, but well worth it in my book. Im working on posting pics, but I'm ####ed that I bought black sand, it looks like crap...word for the newbies who want it DONT GO THERE. It really does look like an ashtray. I'm already trying to find a way to get rid of it...

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Algae feed on nitrates and phosphates. For phosphates, I suggest always using a phosphate remover in a power HOB filter. In my HOB, I put SeaGel (mix of PhosGuard and carbon) in a media bag.


For nitrates, I suggest 20% water changes every few days until your levels are below 20ppm, and then try 10% to 20% (for some of us, even more is required) weekly water changes to keep nitrates in check. If you can keep them around 10ppm, that’s pretty good.


I don’t suggest leaving hair algae grow. If you can temporarily remove the rock from your tank, I suggest that you brush it off (with a new soft bristle toothbrush) in another bucket of saltwater. The diatoms will eventually go away on their own.

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I know now would be the best time. But actually since I have sucked up much of the detrius with the turkey baster, it doesnt look half bad at all. I might regret it later, but for now, its fine.

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I broke down already....


The black sand was looking more and more like an ashtray every day (I'm very serious when i say that). So today I went to the store and bought some aragonite sand...let me tell you, it looks ten times better. The tank is more natural looking, and the light seems to give off sooo much more intensity because of the reflection off of the light sand. Thanks guys for your suggestions, I dont know what I'd do without you!

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Dang - I've got about 10 lbs. of Aragonite left over that I would have sent you just for the shipping cost. Oh well... Glad you changed sand. You'll be happier in the long run.


Cycling is really an awesome thing to watch. Within a few days, more & more things will come to life. Then you'll have "bugs" (pods) crawling around on your glass. You may get lucky & have a few corals sprout from your rock.


I'm about to set up a new 46-gal bowfront, & can't wait to start the process again.


Be sure to post pics soon....



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I got this sand for next to nothing...10 bucks. It was from a 50 lb bag that a worker didnt want, he just said 'hey I'll give you 10 lbs of it for 10 bucks in a bag if you dont need that 20 lb bag'. So it did work well (thanks for that though ross!).


And I do have a feather duster that popped up a few days ago, right in the front...very cute little guy. I was reading around and didnt want the guy to starve so I bought some DT's, only feeding once a week since its just him in there. I could have sworn I saw two, but then the other was gone?? Do they move around?

No sign of any corals though...


I'm buying a digi this weekend...I hate never being able to show off my tanks. So pics by this sunday...however excited you all are by live rock, some sand and a feather duster :). But none the less, there will be pics.


Good luck on the new tank ross...when do you start it>?

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Hey it's good to hear you finally got this thing going. I'm also very glad you changed the sand out:)

Do you have an HOB on it yet? if so, blow all the detritus off the rocks with the baister and let the filter catch all the crap. Then take the pad or sponge out and rinse it off. Thats what I do every week.

Also keep the glass clean. The longer the stuff is on the glass the harder it is to clean off.

There will always be detritus in the tank. The red hairy stuff is most likely a macro algae, I also have it.

Now the true test begins....patience.

Keep on reef'n

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Good luck on the new tank ross...when do you start it>?
I'm planning on procuring said tank at the end of next week. Was going to get a 30-cube, but saw an Oceanic 46 bowfront yesterday & have to have it.


Hopefully I'll be able to save enough $$ within another couple of months to purchase lights (Smartlites from Custom Sea Life - with integrated Moon Lite), skimmer, fuge & live rock. I have this thing about debt - I refuse to go in debt for this hobby, so I'm trying to be good. ;)



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I was already in debt from my freshwater tank(s). Then I started the nano, and it all went downhill from there :P. Ah well, its the initial cost that costs the most. Just do it all at once, and get it over with...hehe.

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