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Has T-5 technology surpassed Mh yet?


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Shimmer is overrated IMO. T5's give off more intense light at the surface than do MH. It's only at depth where the PAR of MH will stick it to T5's. T5's have a better spread at depth however. I can't remember where, but I recently saw a chart that shows the PAR of various light setups (including T5's) at various depths in a tank...

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I like them both and use a 150w sunpod over my 24gAP and a 156w T5 from odessy which is really not as bad as most people will make them out to be over a 28g fowlr. There's room to remove the double divided reflector and install individiual ones and with better bulb additions. Since I have it over a 28g fowlr I really wouldn't need to do much upgrading since I just needed it to light my tank and was cheaper than a PC fixture of the same size. Thre main thing I like about the T5 system is no dark spots or NDS in this tank as opposed to the shadow casting sunpod but it gives me options for lower lighitng stuff in the same tank along with awsome SPS.

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My questioning is in reguards to the other lighting options like the T6's and/or T8's. Is there a difference between those and T5's or are these really just T5's with claims of being a better light?


I never ran MH because of kids in the house and the cost alone was out of my league, but I don't recall any "shimmer" in other tanks that used them.

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Yes, the diameter of T5s (T means tubular and 5 means 5/8ths of an inch) is what allows them to have efficient parabolic reflectors. However, there are different light outputs (NO-normal output, HO-high output, VHO-very high output) that can come from a single bulb; they correspond to different wattages. Most T5s discussed for aquarium purposes signify T5HO. These T5s come very close to MH in terms of lumens per watt. This article explains most of the current aquarium lighting trends very well:


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T5HO is limited when it comes to short fixtures. Current USA does have a 18" fixture, but there are only 2 bulb choices so far. Current makes a 20" Sunpod that uses anyone's 150w HQI bulb and used to make a 70w 16.5" fixture (that also has limited bulb choices.) There are also pendant style MH fixtures that would be suitable for smaller tanks.



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Yes, but only at the surface as I said above, and only with good individual reflectors. I should point out only with comparable of each systems. So 4x24w T5 being compared to 150w MH and so forth. I've bleached out high light SPS under my 4x24w T5 setup before, and all within a matter of a few days. It was placed about as close to the surface as could be. Lesson definitely learned from that. people really under estimate the capability of T5 compared to MH lighting.

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I was mainly referring to the often large and deep tanks listed.


there were some large tanks (not really large in the since I was refering to. I wasn't treally refering to 90, 125, and 180g, I meant LARGE 300, 400, 600g). I didn't look at all 12 pages. could have missed some. Let me clarify, for the aquariums where you see the two rows of 400w and 250w MHs on a sliding rack over it there is no T5 combination that can be substituted and never will be so ultimately MH will live on. And even on a 24" 90g if you desire as much PAR as the world has to offer you will still end up with MH. they'll run hotter with a higher electric bill but the best MH has to offer still beats the best T5 has to offer. Basically any aquarium that can thrive using T5 there's a MH set up that will work but there isn't a T5 solution for every aquarium with MH. Thats all I was saying, I'm not a T5 hater. Like I said the ONLY reason I dont have them is the lack of shimmer :lol:


I should point out only with comparable of each systems. So 4x24w T5 being compared to 150w MH and so forth..


its a given that a T5 has equal light throughout the length of the bulb (the length of the tank) where MH has hot spots (usually right underneath) and weaker lighted areas as you move around the bulb and highly dependent on reflectors. Uniform light distribution is just another advantage of T5. In fact thats the REAL advantage of T5. 216w (54wx4) vs a good 250w MH is no real advantage in heat or power consumption. the advantage is on a 4ft tank due to the distribution difference you are really talking about 216w of T5 being comparable to 250w x2 of MH (hell add a couple more T5 bulbs and you still have a huge advantage is power consumption. heat is overated, thats what ventilation and air conditioned rooms are for). still no shimmer though.

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i used to have MH, went w/ a 4x24w tek, and am now going with a 250w MH.


i think the electrical bill will run close to the same since i'll be running the MH for only 6 or so hours, as opposed to the 11 hours the tek runs.


also, w/ a tank 17 inches deep, trying to keep clams on the sandbed w/ t5s will be risky.

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I kept a maxima just fine for months on the sand, under my T5 lights about an "18 depth from the fixture... It's demise was pinched mantle which is not light associated. I agree it can be risky though with some clams, but at least do-able unlike with PCs. ;)


I still would never get MH just because it shimmers. That's a pretty rediculous excuse to justify having it. Growth and color OTOH is completely an acceptable reason for having MH. Just my $0.02 on that though. I AM going with MH on my 10g custom AIO tank. And that's only because there really is no adaquate lighting solution to fit the "12 width of that tank. Currently have an "18 wide 40w single bulb Satellite fixture of it, and it's rediculous with "3 of fixture hanging out over each side. I'm doing a DIY MH fixture for it however. MH is also over-priced IMO in many cases. Not to say that some T5 equipment isn't either.

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I am trying to figure out whether the drawbacks of having MH, heat and bulb replacement costs compared ot T-5s really makes them worth it


Are t-5s on par with MH or not? For a 50 breeder, which one is better?

I have a 50 breeder and I like my aquactinics t5 fixture. If I could do it over again I would have gotten the 65 gallon though. With the 50 I bleech any low light corals like shrooms even if I keep them on the bottom. The 65 gallon is the same demensions as the 50 breeder only a couple of inches taller. The t5s are still bright enough for that.

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. That's a pretty rediculous excuse to justify having it. Growth and color OTOH is completely an acceptable reason for having MH. Just my $0.02 on that though.


let me get this straight you think its rediculous to have two viable choices of lights and chosing the one that LOOKS BETTER ;) ironic that the two things you listed are the two things you can get from either so why would those be a factor for anyone with a normal size tank? I could understand concerns of heat or cost of operation but for me that would be sacrificing the better looking lights for a 2deg tank temp difference and $5/month more in electricity. How is that any different than you using an extra blue bulb in your T5 fixture for the best look possible or going with a 20k MH instead of a 10k because it looks better? Matter of fact how are chosing for glitter lines/shimmer any different than chosing for color. you chose both for the same reason. looks! it is a "display" tank after all

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The point is, shimmer does NOTHING for the health and keeping of livestock. It's purely for visual astetics and nothing more! I'd never sacrifice the advantages the T5 has, for MH shimmer, period! I see MANY MH lit tanks and frankly the shimmer does nothing for me. Growth and color you can get from both setups of course, so I think you mis-read what I wrote. ;)

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The point is, shimmer does NOTHING for the health and keeping of livestock. It's purely for visual astetics and nothing more! I'd never sacrifice the advantages the T5 has, for MH shimmer, period! I see MANY MH lit tanks and frankly the shimmer does nothing for me. Growth and color you can get from both setups of course, so I think you mis-read what I wrote. ;)


does my livestock care if my electric bill is $5/month higher or the tank is 81 deg instead of 79? what livestock sacrafice? my lights are more than capable of keeping anything I chose easily anywhere in the tank so what is this livestock health advantage you imagine? 2 HQI over a 3ft tank is MORE than adequate coverage even on a poorly reflected MH and I'll put it up against any 4bulb T5 system with a bulb configuration that actually looks good with a blue tint. T5's advantage isn't performance, its performance per watt. My 300w of MH isn't giving up anything to a 4bulb 156w T5 that will fit over my tank and allow me to still service it without moving the light that concerns livestock health.

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EDIT: Thought I better add this edit...didn’t yawn to pick either side or offend anyone. It’s just this same subject has been discussed a 100 times and each side is VERY entrenched in their prefs. Seems that this time its glitter/shimmer. As the unofficial referee ... I rule ….. T5 is gaining ground rapidly...it was just a few months ago that T5 was crap...now it’s down to glitter. :rolleyes:


Pick the light that YOU like the looks of....in most every case thats the only difference.



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Thanks for mis-reading Stanlee, please get your eyes checked. Nowhere did I say a sacrifice in livestock well being. I refered to the advantages T5 has over MH which is most cases is heat amongts other things. If you like like to heat your tank more than you need to and use more power than you need to, then have at it with MH. As for me, I don't need shimmer, I'm perfectly content with my T5 setup. If I wanted shimmer, I'd do it smart way and add some LEDs for that purpose. No heat, and no extra noticeable power draw. Thanks for playing though. ;)

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I luvz the shimmer! Its the most important thing EVAAAAR!







In all seriousness, MH seemed cheaper for me, and in a house with no a/c my tank has only hit 83 once.....

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As for me, I don't need shimmer, I'm perfectly content with my T5 setup. If I wanted shimmer, I'd do it smart way and add some LEDs for that purpose. No heat, and no extra noticeable power draw. Thanks for playing though. ;)


if your that smart why is it going completely over your head MH LOOK better than T5 to ME. You keep talking about what shimmer doesn't do for YOU and the benefits of T5 kinda like a guy in a Prius rambling on about how he would never buy an SUV as if the guy in the SUV really gives two rats az that the prius is more efficient and still could take him to point a and b. I dont even see why your two cents was required as to why I (as in ME) prefer MH over T5. Unless you are going to make T5 produce shimmer nothing you said is relavent to why I chose MH. So if it makes you feel $5/month and 2 deg smarter...make that $4.98/month if had liked shimmer (dont forget those leds you'd add although low powered leds dont add shimmer when run at the same time as a high intensity power source like T5s over even power compacts but I guess you knew that). I do run leds from 7pm to 10pm to view my aqaurium while you probably have to run your T5s for viewing..better subtract another $1/month in the name of efficiency mr numbers man.

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Not to get off topic, but what about LED's? I know they are way more expensive right now, but in a few years when their prices are more comparable, are they not the best of all worlds? Assuming all the claims manufacturers are making are true. Are they the real future of this hobby?

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uhm...they make t5 setups with LEDs as well....


your kidding! yes they make MH, T5 and PCs with leds but they are moon leds and not powerful enough to provide a shimmering effect that MH does unless the primary lights are off (I dont just want dimmly lit shimmer). It can be done but you cant use typical moonlight quality leds. aquactinics is coming out with a T5 with leds for just this purpose (T5s with shimmer) but a) it aint out yet and B) it aint out yet.

these are high powered leds and actually take the place of a T5 bulb normally would be (actually claimed to be powerful enough for SPS and clams directly underneath them). its touted as the first of its kind that actually produces noticeable/worthwhile shimmer when on simutaniously with the main bulbs. its coming to their constellation series (which means it probably wont come in any size small enough for this forum users and it wont be cheap)



I guess aquactinics think its rediculous too and went thru the trouble of doing all that to a perfectly good T5 fixture because the demand isn't there. its just me who demands shimmer

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Not to get off topic, but what about LED's? I know they are way more expensive right now, but in a few years when their prices are more comparable, are they not the best of all worlds? Assuming all the claims manufacturers are making are true. Are they the real future of this hobby?


Once they get the price down, the PAR up and prove to be reliable they could be the light of the future. So far though they fall short in all three categories (by they I mean the original solaris). higher par versions with better leds (than the standard solaris) are supposedly out or coming and hopefully the rest will fall in place in due time.

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Wow, stanlalee, are you like a car salesman?! "You would do okay with T5s, but I can't make any promises for its performance. What you really want is a nice shimmer effect that can be found on MHs and LEDs. Who needs PAR when you've got shimmer!" :P

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