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TyTy's 20AIO


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This is my AIO 20 gallon long


My plan for this tank was for it to be rather simple and easy to maintain while at the same time creating an amazing mini reef ecosystem



- 175 watt PFO metal halide pendent and balast

- 200 watt visi therm heater

- Maxi jet 1200(295 gph) filter return

- Koralia nano (240 gph)

- blue lunar link moon lights

- toms aquatic dosing pump on timer for ATO

- 4in desk cooling fan

- mag float (must have of course)




- YWG and Pistol shrimp pair

- Pair of clown fish (SOON TO BE



- torch

- hammer

- orange zoas

- eagle eye zoas

- pink/orange monti

- greenbrown button pylops





My AIO Idea


A 20 gallon AIO reef tank that i custom made out of a standard 20 long.

I have never seen it done before so i thought why not be the first to do it

I have a thread over in the DIY section for more details on the build

TyTy's 20gallon aio build thread

im glad too see many others doing similar designs

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My Design





The Stand which we had laying around i made it taller to my likeings







The Light






Filter Fuge Light



Canopy Lighting Rack









yes i know its big but theres no going back now. its not that bad



someone post so i can post some more


im filling it up with RO water as we speak

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that looks nice. How did you cut the slots in the false wall for the overflow? Maybe I can just buy one from somewhere. If I got money I will buy a 20l from petco this week

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Thanks i cut the slots with a table router. petco is having a sale so you can get a 20 long for 20 bucks if im correct.


here are the rest of the pictures





AIO acrylic work











fw test found too small leaks in my false wall but was easly fixed






thats all i got so far.

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man that is alot of work, maybe I will do the aquaclear mod to a fuge. I think the bigger one will be ok for a 20 gallon. Do you think the long or high 20 gallon is better?My gf wants to start hacking away at my corals for a new tank already.

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well so far i really have no expirence with either, but i personally like the 20 long because it has a bigger foot print and is shorter. more room for corals and the more light they get


the AIO part was fairly easy. all i needed was a sharp razer blade to cut the acrylic. and some type of saw or tool to make the filter slits.

i used a router table setup but many have used table saws and scroll saws. you could even use a file or a dremel


really not that hard and i saved like 60 dollars from buying a HOB filter (aquaclear 110) because my dad already had the acrylic. although if i already had and aquaclear 110 i would have used that instead and made a pvc over flow for it.


Quick Question


does any body know or have the demensions of an aquaclear 110. How long it is? how much tank lip does it need? width? and depth?


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Live Rock


I went to the lfs today and got lr and ls


I got 14 pounds of cured fiji lr and a pound or two of lr rumble.

I also got 10 pounds of pink fiji live sand.(i may get another bag)







lr in fuge




The guy also gave me this barnical for free which should make a good home for someone






i made an island with one piece which i will plan to grow zoas on






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today i woke up to find sand dunes in the tank so i may go back and get another 10 lb bag of some coarser grain sand. so it will be half an half.


any opinions? coments?


i also tested the water last night for ammonia and got a reading of and i tested it today and it was 0.25. so ammonia is on the rise.

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Little Update

not much of an update but i made a shelf on the side of the stand to hold my water tests and stuff.



and heres a picture of the hitch hiker mushroom


and a picture of the barnical peice


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very impressive diy. i am just getting started and am trying to figure out if cycling with damsels can be done safely.


Probably not. It burns their gills. Ever inhaled some strong chemicals or smoke? :mellow:


Good looking DIY! I like the barnacles! Hitchhiker corals FTMFW!

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many people have different opinions about cycling with a damsel but i think for the most part its better not to as it is not good for the fish. i think its best let the tank cycle on its own.

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great tank. i did the same thing with a ten gallon tank. i think i will upgrade to a twenty long soon though with a similar approach. i plan on having a display refugium so i can show off my mangroves and macroalgae.

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that would be cool i have never had a fuge before so don't now much about them. but my lfs has a display tank with a hob refugium with mangroves and algae but its not to pretty as the walls are green and brown with algae haha



i some have questions about refugiums

number one when should the light be on, in the refugium?

and number what else is there to keep in a fuge other then lrr and chaeto?



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tested my water today and ammonia was clearly high so the cycle begins. i will be looking for some nitrites


too bad its back to school time :rant:


also i found some cool hitch hikers but i didn't get any pictures before the lights went out. ill get some tomorrow

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Nice. I catch up with you here :) On that DIY ATO you mentioned on the last thread you were concerned with the electricity and water issue. I have built a battery powered ATO using a battery powered air pump and total cost was like $25. You can search battery powered ATO and find what you are looking for or look at my picotope in my sig and you will see my version on it. I actually built one of those gravity feed ATO's and in the end found the $25 was better spent on the battery powered unit. The main reason for me is that you can put your reserve water under the tank and not over it. Tank looks great. I'm glad it's running.



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thanks i will check that out but, i still haven't given up on the gravity feed my dad gave me an idea to use pvc so i think i have the prefect idea.


as for my livestock plans im still pretty much undecided but i have some what of an idea


as for fish i am deffinitly getting a yellow watch man goby and pistol shrimp pair. and maybe a purple firefish.

im really undecide weather or not to get a pair of true clowns.


any body have any sugestions for other fish?(open water swimmers with a good personality?


im going to get my cuc soon because algae is starting to grow.


no hermits


for coral i want to keep

lots of nice zoas

im going to move my hammer and torch into this tank out of my aquapod

some candy canes



maybe zenia

some monti once my water has really leveled out nice

other sps


any other suggestions?

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Since you have the barnacle, you have to have a couple of barnacle blennys. They add almost no bio-load. So they wont keep you from your plans with other free swimming fish. For that I would get a Midas Blenny....its everything...bright color, out in the open, friendly, almost dog like, best fish I have ever had and I have had dozens and dozens over the years. Yes...I know ..your not supposed to mix different blennies, but the barnacle and midas are so different they will ignore each other. I have had both in one tank.

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a pair of clownfish would be at the top of my list.



ya im starting to think that too unless i find something else but im thinking. true pair


do you now what a true pair of clownsfish would cost?

what about a mated pair?



Since you have the barnacle, you have to have a couple of barnacle blennys. They add almost no bio-load. So they wont keep you from your plans with other free swimming fish. For that I would get a Midas Blenny....its everything...bright color, out in the open, friendly, almost dog like, best fish I have ever had and I have had dozens and dozens over the years. Yes...I know ..your not supposed to mix different blennies, but the barnacle and midas are so different they will ignore each other. I have had both in one tank.


ill have to check those out later as my computer is being a idiot and supposable google freezes when i enter blenny ?!?!?!?!wth!?!?!?!


You tanks is so nice. It looks larger than a 20 gallon-that's a good thing.


Ill take your barnacle!

haha ya right.

i was so suprised when he gave it to me for free. i was picking through the tank and i picked it up and i looked at him like.. how much for this. because from time to time they have a tank full of barnacles for like $20 a pound of something!!

but hes like oh thats not live rock you can have it for free. and i was like sure..!

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