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How to Get Clearer water....


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carbon doesnt really have good or bad, its all pretty much the same. Carbon is what you want, purigen removes impurities from the water which might in turn make it clearer, but the Carbon is your best bet for crystal clear water.

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Cool. So I've decided to pick up the fluval prepackaged carbon...its 3x100ml bags. Should I run a bag in each side of the filter or just one bag on one side and then filter floss in the other two....

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+1 to both Purigen and Chemi Pure Elite, I run both.


Question - Do you test Alk/dKh? My tank tends towards the low side for Alk and I've noticed as I pushed that figure up to 8/9, my water is markedly clearer and crisp. Just a thought.

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Question - Do you test Alk/dKh? My tank tends towards the low side for Alk and I've noticed as I pushed that figure up to 8/9, my water is markedly clearer and crisp. Just a thought.



No I haven't tested those parms yet. Guess I'm have to get one of those test kits soon and see what its at. Thanks for all the help. I'm going to try the carbon first and probably switch to chemipure and perigen down the road. Thanks again. I'll let you know how it works out.

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Carbon is not effective as long. It will loose it in a week or two.


Not as effective as long as what?? Chemipure? I agree that carbon should be changed out every week or two but do you really think that chemipure lasts any longer. Hasnt it been proved that chemipure is mostly carbon anyways?



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Personally I use a skimmer , filter floss, macro algae and carbon to polish my water !

Seems to work for me!

I change my carbon once a month.

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Well I picked up some fluval prepacked carbon today and some filter floss. Going to run it in a HOB as of now. My friend is suppose to have one for me but if not I'm going to go out and buy one. Any suggestions on which type I should look for.....canister(fluval), or HOB(aquaclear) and size. I'm already running a skimmer on my 20high and have about 600GPH for flow already. Any suggestions. Thanks again for all the input

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Just picked up an aquaclear power filter today to try this carbon out to see if it clears up my water. Should I run the carbon and all the other things that came with the filter on it or should I just run the carbon and put some floss in the filter? It came with carbon, biomax and something else....which shouldn't i use??

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Not as effective as long as what?? Chemipure? I agree that carbon should be changed out every week or two but do you really think that chemipure lasts any longer. Hasnt it been proved that chemipure is mostly carbon anyways?



I suggested Purigen not Chemi Pure. Chemi Pure is Carbon.


If you did go with the carbon, you must rinse it before using it to avoid filling your tank with the loose powder.

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I did go with carbon for now. Just because I couldn`t get ahold of any and my tank looks like crap. Water seems kinda green and dungy looking. Hopefully this helps. The only Aquaclear filter I could find was an AC20....5-20gallons.....would this be good or should I have went bigger? When I add the purigen cause I also continue to run carbon and how would I stack it in the filter.....purigen then carbon or chemipure and then floss..bottom to top...thanks

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I've been feeding my clownfish everyday......mysis......should i cut down to every 2 days or more....how often should I feed him.....i did a WC about a week ago...should I do another

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Well I picked up some fluval prepacked carbon today and some filter floss. Going to run it in a HOB as of now. My friend is suppose to have one for me but if not I'm going to go out and buy one. Any suggestions on which type I should look for.....canister(fluval), or HOB(aquaclear) and size. I'm already running a skimmer on my 20high and have about 600GPH for flow already. Any suggestions. Thanks again for all the input


What kind of skimmer are you using....how many liters/minute of air is the pump producing?


A skimmer that actually works efficiently, should clear your aquarium in a matter of half an hour and keep it crystal clear.


I have stirred up sand, scraped the glass and my tank was crystal clear in no time....no carbon etc. :)

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What kind of skimmer are you using....how many liters/minute of air is the pump producing?


A skimmer that actually works efficiently, should clear your aquarium in a matter of half an hour and keep it crystal clear.


I have stirred up sand, scraped the glass and my tank was crystal clear in no time....no carbon etc. :)


I'm using an Aqua C Remora Skimmer HOB with a maxijet attached to it.

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filter floss is good but only temporary cuz it gets clogged and dirty fast. like less then a day for me.

when i stopped using it the whole tank got dirty again....


try purigen from seachem. good review from them.

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