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Cultivated Reef

why I.O. salt instead of Reef Crystals?


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why do you guys prefer I.O. over R.C.?? i thought the latter was better quality, isn't it? even if its not that much better, where i can get it theres practically no difference in price between I.O and R.C., so which one should i get? hm, im a little confused

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Why? Because Reef Crystals typically cost more and don’t provide substantial benefits. Some make it sound like Reef Crystals are worst than IO; however, I don’t think that is really the case.


Here is another thread that just discussed salt mixes.

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But I remember Reef Crystal package for 50 gal is heavier than I.O (Instant Ocean if I am correct). Think there may have something added, calcium?

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IO and Reef Crystals are both manufactured by Aquarium Systems. As per Reef Crystals advertising, it claims to be “the first enriched seawater formulation to contain an extra measure of components important to reef aquarists: calcium, selected trace elements, and vitamins above natural sea water concentrations”



Here is Aqua Craft's spin on these products:

Reef Crystals' “similar composition to Instant Ocean® make this a product of questionable enriched value”. According to Aqua Craft, “When it was revealed that the higher priced Reef Crystals® was similar to the economy Instant Ocean®, Reef Crystals® was no longer heavily promoted”. They also report that Aquarium Systems®, started producing Kent® Marine Salt (stating that this item is now heavily promoted). Aqua Craft also claims that “Preliminary investigation reveals that Kent® Marine Salts is similar to Reef Crystals®, which is similar to Instant Ocean®”.

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OMG....not this subject again.


I use IO. I don't care about composition. As long as it doesn't have any ammonia in it salt is salt IMO since most of us dose chemicals anyhow. If the salt isn't up to par it really doesn't hurt me since I keep everything in check anyhow....I don't trust salts to keep my water parameters in check.



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dead horse.




there is a few BIG salt threads here that are really good, ya just have to find them ;)



PS: Welcome to the board.

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