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Cultivated Reef

Evolution?? Or just some queer creatures?


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Hi I'm pretty new to the Nano-reef scene. I've had my tank for about 4months now and I have a question...I was looking at my tank the other night, and I saw white specks on my glass. My first assumption was that it was just specks of sand on the glass. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that the "specks" were moving. I can't really describe them, just that they look like specks of sand, reallly small, white color, that's barely visible. Is this a good thing or should I start scraping them off the glass??


Tank Specs:

29 gallon



- CPR bakpak skimmer

- T-5 lighting

- Eheim 250 Filter


- 60 lbs of live sand

- 40 lbs of live rock



- Elegant Coral

- Button Polyps

- Pagoda

- Blue-Green Mushrooms

- Star Polyps (very small fragment)

- (2) Fire Shrimp

- (2) Emerald Crab

- (15) Turbo Snails

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they are just good for your tank they have to do with your sand and helping the process down in there, they could be copepods or um... cant remeber the other kind at the moment! but maybe some one else on this huge site can help u out a little more into depth.

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copepods (sand sized) and/or ampipods( bigger ones, look kinda like rollie pollies). the eat detritus and they provide a food source for fish..they are totally beneficial...many people culture these for some hard to feed fish species like seahorses and mandarin fish. or people just attach their culture to their main aquarium to create a refugium. look into it!

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