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6 line warsse, Nano safe?


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Would it be ok to keep a 6 line warsse in a 20g reef tank with dwarf hermits, snails, skunk shrimp, and a clown fish? I know most stores say reef safe but I would like to hear from people who have kept them to see if they had any trouble from them.


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I would also like to know if the wrasse is prone to jumping out of tanks. I need to keep my tank uncovered to help keep it cool.


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I kept a six-line for about 1.5 years (until my fateful vacation over this past fourth of July) and he was successfully housed with every inhabitant that you mentioned. Specifically, in my 18 gallon tank he was with a coral banded shrimp, fire shrimp, clarkii clown, dwarf hermits, snails, clams, feather dusters, xenia, ricordia, mushrooms, yellow leather, candy cane coral, fungia and zoanthids.

The wrasse didn't jump per se, but he did mysteriously end up in the overflow once.

The ONLY compatibility problem that I had was with a purple psuedochromis which took quite a beating for a few days before storming back like rocky to get the upper hand. Needless to say, the psuedochromis was outta there!

The six line was my favorite fish until he died. He was always visible, ate well and was a pretty nice fish as long as the tank wasn't overstocked.


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I've had my 6 line wrasse for about 6 months and so far the only thing he's been dangerous too are the 'pods. I have noticed him picking on smaller snails before but he only seems to do it once or twice and then goes off to something else.


He's currently in a 30gal reef with a Cherub Angel. they get along like best friends, following each other all over the tank. He's almost to the point where he'll take food directly out of my fingers and eats just about any meaty flake/brine/frozen etc I've tried so far.


It's an open top tank and he's yet to make any sort of move towards carpet surfing, even when startled.


Great fish to have for any reef system imo.

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So it sounds like the 6 line wrasse would be ok. Thats good to hear because I realy like that fish. I will be buying 1 soon!


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I heard from one guy who had one in his 130 gal tank that it would sleep at night under the edge of a rock, coccooned in a self-made mucous bubble. If the bubble was touched by anything, the fish would wake up and bolt off.

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Does anyone have a FOURline wrasse.. I've had one for a couple months now and find these guys to be more beautiful then the sixline but still have the same personality.

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I would also like to know if the wrasse is prone to jumping out of tanks.
Yes they are....my first 6-line took a dive on me after about 3 months. Just a small opening on the back side of my 10, but the idiot found it.


Don't know what hurt more - the $35, or the fact that he was my first saltwater fish. If yer tank is open at the top, you're askin' for it.



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