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What types of things do clownfish host in


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Anything and everything....


They usually go for what seems like the best place. If they don't find anything they'll settle into the sand during the night.

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I have a frogspawn and my percs ignore it. They host a Koralia powerhead instead...they are strange fish. Best bet if you don't want to get an anemone but want to see them host something non-mechanical, would be to try Frogspawn, Torch, Hammer, Xenia, Colt, Kenya Tree, etc. Anything with tentacles/branches that is soft is a candidate.


Just remember that just because you put a big Xenia in the tank, doesn't mean the clowns will host it. So whatever you buy, make sure you like it enough that you'll still be happy with the purchase even if they don't host it.

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As corny as it sounds, mine actually host this "bush" of Zoa i have at the botton of my tank. Their not even the nice ones, but i guess that's its home...

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I've seen them host colts and other leathers as well as just certain places in the tank. Any smooth surface is what they look for to lay their eggs: glass, live rock, etc..

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I guess I am one of the lucky ones with my clowns. When I got them, they immediately used a brain coral as their host. Then they went to a large colony of yellow polyps. Now they are using a 20 head Duncan. Personally, I'm very glad they are using the duncan as their host. It is a great alternative to anemones and are easy to keep, IMO.



Now for something that'll blow you away, here's a pic I found over on RC. The owner claims his clown uses a clam as its' host! This has to be without a doubt the most unusual host for a clown I've ever seen.


Here's a pic:



And a link:



Edited by basser1
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My oair of pink skunks host this large mat of GSP I have on a rock. The GSP grew into a small nook and they go up in it. They just recently started after having it in the tank for a year. Most times it takes clowns a while to start hosting a coral. IME


They still do not host it constantly.

Edited by FishFreak77
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Mine had to learn to host. My buddy told me to put a pic of a clown in an anemone up on the glass for the fish to see. I thought he was joking, but tried it anyway. A few weeks later, he was hosting the foot of the anemone. Close, but no cigar.. oh well. i guess he's broken like all the other clown fish. I'm glad to see im not the only one.

He also slept in a rock crevice every night.


Since i upgraded tanks, he hasn't rediscovered the anemone yet :(

he also "sleeps" swimming up at the very very top edge of the tank back wall just below the water surface and against the wall.

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  • 12 years later...

The hair algae on the back glass!  Ok keep it around just for them.  During the day they like to tuck themselves in-between the heater, a barnacle she'll and the glass.  I'm glad to see they're getting along better with the Duncan these days. They used to harass the poor thing and bite its tentacles.  Maybe they'll host in it when it grows up.  Only 7 heads so far.

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Short answer whatever they want lol. I had a pair hosting my giant trach for 6 years untill it died of disease now they are hosting a large gorgonia before both of those they hosted an over flow. I have another that had hosted a large watermellon mushroom and now lives in my toadstool.

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