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Coral Vue Hydros

FSU1Dolfan's 29G Biocube Journey


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Well it has been a year and a couple of months since i started my tank back on May 24th 2007. This is my first salt water and i have learned alot with the help of people here and other googled information :P

I use to work at a Pet Store when i was in High School and i have had many fresh water tanks, terrariums, reptiles, etc. I learned as much as i could about Salt Water while i was there........a few years after college i took the little knowledge i remembered, plus research online and finally decided i could do a salt water tank!! I was very familiar with the eclipse systems back in the day, so the Bio Cube seemed like the obvious choice for me. I have had my ups and downs, but for the most part the tank has been great. Also before anyone calls the tang police....i have already given the hippo tang to a friend with a much bigger tank. Granted the tang did very well in my tank!! Well enjoy the bio.....questions and comments are always welcome!


BioCube 29 Gallon

Chamber 1 - Removed false floor and removed cartridge. Widen the overflow to chamber 2. Now contains my Heater.

Chamber 2 - Modified drip tray to contain the cartridge underneath with my own filter and carbon. Under that contains my chaeto and other macro algae. 3-4 snails. Chemi-pure elite on bottom with false floor angled diagonally touching the ground so that no chaeto gets through to chamber 3 but allows for more chaeto to fit.

Chamber 3 - Removed sponge and replaced with Purigen. Removed Stock Pump and replaced with Rio HF6 and eheim tubing to eliminate 90 degree angle return.


Modified return with Y-loc line with Hydor Flo Deflector and the stock return on the other end.


Lights - SunPod 150W MH

Custom Plexi Glass top



2 Damsels - Yin and Yang, One was a cycle victim, the other was an a-hole and went back to the store!

Yellow Headed Sleeper Goby - RIP Toby caught bacteria disease commonly called Fish Tuberculosis. Tried to treat but he didn't make it.

Percula Clown - AKA Nemo

2 Blue Neon Goby - AKA Zulu RIP, the 2 new ones have yet to be named

2 Bangi Cardinals - RIP just wouldn't eat :(

Hippo Tang - Given to a Friend with bigger tank and doing very well AKA Dory (YEs the GF influenced this purchase and naming along with Nemo!!!)

6-Line Wrasse - AKA Mel Went Carpet Surfing 4.1.09 No aprils fools joke here :(

Scooter Blenny - RIP Scoot seemed to catch same disease as Toby, New one called Lou

Bicolor Blenny - AKA Oscar (my personal favorite!!)

2 Sally lightfoots - Sally got too big and had to go back....Sal is the new baby of the tank

Orange Diamond Goby - AKA Reggie has now been transfered to my friends tank...too big for the nano and made a mess!!!

Purple Lobster - Taken back to store....mysterious fish disappearing LOL

Urchin - Taken back to store knocked over everything!

YWG - AKA Godfather

Snails (turbos, nass, and cerths) and hermits



Red Titan, Halimedia, Fire Fern, Cheato, Leafy Caulerpa



Multiple Ricodeas


Xenias - Very temperamental

Pink Leather

Striped Mushrooms

Hammer Coral

Torch Coral

Hairy Mushrooms

Yellow Polyps

Tons of Zoas

Open Brain



Now for some pics and my progression. I apologize in advance since my camera/iphone doesn't take the best pictures but its all i got....would eventually like to get a better camera


The earliest pics i have are from June 07










July 07








October 07




November 07




April 08






June 08






July 08
















Thanks!! I'll update after the new lights get in!!

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Glad you started a thread Jason. I just sent out the light about 30 minutes ago. Should be to you there on Wednesday. I will be tagging along for sure.

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Glad you started a thread Jason. I just sent out the light about 30 minutes ago. Should be to you there on Wednesday. I will be tagging along for sure.


Very excited about the light...got something to look forward to when i get back from my vacation!!! B)

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Looks like the package arrived this morning at your house. Look forward to seeing some pics of it when you get back.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I received my 20" 150W Sunpod....hooked it all up on July 27th!!! The difference between MH and PCs are huge....even with the egg grate and multiple screens. I started with 5 screens but realized that it was too much and the light wasnt really getting through....i took it down to 3 and this weekend i removed another one. Sometime this week i will get it down to one. My corals have reacted well to the light and seem to be more open. My xenia (picky as all hell all the time) are a little shorter due to the light but that damn coral is so up and down its ridiculous!! Biggest difference are the colors...my Rics look amazing under the Phoenix 14K and my zoos do too!! Finally got some pics for you guys.....its not the best camera but i think they came out pretty good...Plus i got my first SPS WOOHOO....its a montipora and if anyone recognizes it let me know if it has a name....its a bluish-red with bright yellow polyps...well enjoy the pics...any questions ask away!!!


Nicely shipped from Divecj5!!!





On the tank...My girlfriend wasnt so big on the idea of an open water tank but i think its growing on her!!



Screens and egg grate....also notice the DIY handle on the egg grate




























Favorite of all the shots this time around!!


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Awesome Jason. Glad to hear that the light is obviously working great for you. Looks like all of your corals are loving the new light. Sounds like you took it nice and slow with acclimating them to the light and I'm sure it will pay off. Better to take it slow then to lose coral, that's for sure.


I'm not sure if that's a Montipora or a Cyphastrea. May want to pop that in the ID Forum and see what others think. Either way, be careful putting it up so high on the rocks. A lot depends on the conditions that it came from in another tank but it's pretty easy to bleach things under Halides. Just keep an eye on it and move it down if you start to see it losing color. Otherwise it is one cool looking corals.

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Awesome Jason. Glad to hear that the light is obviously working great for you. Looks like all of your corals are loving the new light. Sounds like you took it nice and slow with acclimating them to the light and I'm sure it will pay off. Better to take it slow then to lose coral, that's for sure.


I'm not sure if that's a Montipora or a Cyphastrea. May want to pop that in the ID Forum and see what others think. Either way, be careful putting it up so high on the rocks. A lot depends on the conditions that it came from in another tank but it's pretty easy to bleach things under Halides. Just keep an eye on it and move it down if you start to see it losing color. Otherwise it is one cool looking corals.


Yeah the light is great and i have taken my time to ensure no problems with my corals.....Only two screens left and getting ready to take another off today or tomorrow!!!

As for the Monti or turbinaria or Cyphastrea...still not 100% sure....i will keep an eye out to make sure the light isnt too much...but so far the polyps are always open and no signs of stress yet...Think im gonna throw it up on the ID threads for sure!

Thanks man!!

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WOW! That light made a huge difference! you're tank looks awesome!

i'm so excited now, i just got that same light, it'll be here this week hopefully!


great job anyway!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi good job on the tank; regarding your hydro deflector, i was told that after a while it would stop working because the coraline alge will grow inside and stop it movement. How is it going with it , am thinking of getting one. Thanks :D


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Hi good job on the tank; regarding your hydro deflector, i was told that after a while it would stop working because the coraline alge will grow inside and stop it movement. How is it going with it , am thinking of getting one. Thanks :D





So far so good with the hydro deflector....my biggest issue in the beginning was that chaeto was getting caught in it from my refugium....i had to put back the plastic floor in chamber two but i angled it diagonal to keep it from flowing into chamber 3 while still maximizing the area there.....i will definitely keep any eye out for coraline algae which i am sure is a possibility but i would think that it could be removed if it happens. BTW nice looking tank yourself :)

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  • 3 months later...

Well Happy New Years everyone!!!


I took some pictures in late December while working on the tank....i usually never get top down shots but i am glad i did....they look pretty good to me. My Tank is thriving and now that i had a pod explosion in my refuge my nitrates are practically no existant.....so now my xenias which were literally "miniature xenias" are now getting back to fully grown and spreading again :o


My dosing of vitamin C every time i feed has worked wonders and (knocks on wood) no disease or illness breakouts of any kind. As always dosing Cal and balancing Alk with the occasional iodine dose in between and things have been amazingly stable!


Sorry i didn't get many other normal shots but my glass needs some scrubbing and i have been lazy lately. Hope you like and thanks for looking!!


With flash!












Red Titan


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Well Happy New Years everyone!!!


I took some pictures in late December while working on the tank....i usually never get top down shots but i am glad i did....they look pretty good to me. My Tank is thriving and now that i had a pod explosion in my refuge my nitrates are practically no existant.....so now my xenias which were literally "miniature xenias" are now getting back to fully grown and spreading again :o


My dosing of vitamin C every time i feed has worked wonders and (knocks on wood) no disease or illness breakouts of any kind. As always dosing Cal and balancing Alk with the occasional iodine dose in between and things have been amazingly stable!


Sorry i didn't get many other normal shots but my glass needs some scrubbing and i have been lazy lately. Hope you like and thanks for looking!!


With flash!












Red Titan




Hey thanks , i modifyed it this last month, let me know what you think;


























Thanks for sharing and Happy new year to you as well.

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Great looking tank!! Is that a Koralia in the back?? I have been thinking about adding one for some extra flow.







Okay so this weekend i was inspired and found some free time to change out my top. I was getting tired with the ceiling crate thing and realize that without it i could get some extra light and a nicer look!! So i grabbed some plexi glass, 1/4 inch thick, and went to town with my dremel. After some cutting, sanding and hole drilling i think i have a pretty nice looking top. I made 7 holes, 1 for my handle and 6 for ventilation.....which i may need a few more but for now pretty good. Plus i realized that i may need to slice across the front to make an easy access lid with some hinges but for now it will do until i get some more free time!!! Enjoy the pics and tell me what you think!!


So far i have noticed a 2-3 degree increase in temp but since my temps were down to 75-76 i think that i am okay...plus once i cut it for a lid more air will be able to escape. Hoping the trade off will be less evap as well!


I apologize for the crappy iphone pics but its all i had handy!







Fingerprints suck LOL






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Wow this really inspires me to do the same. Do you have heat issues . I noticed you say you have a few degrees more , but do the tank operate without a chiller. Really impress with the plexi glass, it looks good and neet.Whats your lighting again. Oh yes its a Nano Koralia in the back.

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Wow this really inspires me to do the same. Do you have heat issues . I noticed you say you have a few degrees more , but do the tank operate without a chiller. Really impress with the plexi glass, it looks good and neet.Whats your lighting again. Oh yes its a Nano Koralia in the back.


As of now no chiller and i really dont have any plans on getting one. I finished the top on late Saturday was away at a Dolphins party :( the whole day sunday so i didnt really get to do a lot of monitoring but i did see it hit 78 on saturday and Sunday around 79 after the light was off for 30mins or so. I will double check it today after work to see what i am working with....plus if needed i will drill more holes to control the heat for sure! I figure if it doesnt break 80 i should be fine.


As for lighting i have a Sunpod 150W Phoneix 14K....great overall lighting and i am getting good growth too!

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Well everyone i know this doesn't have much to do with my Fish Tank but i felt the need to share this proud and amazing experience with this great community of people. This weekend my friend Sahar and I ran the Disney Marathon...all 26.2 miles worth. We had been training since the late summer '08 and i had a set back in the end of October when i tore my calf playing basketball. I wasn't even sure i would be able to run at the point. I got back on track training (realizing i cant do any other sports i love!) by late November up until Jan 9th. During this time the most i had completed was roughly 15 miles due to losing a full month. But on January 11 Sahar and I completed the Marathon. It was an amazing feeling to finish besides all the pain and soreness! To all the Marathon runners out there i applaud you. It is simply an amazing accomplishment. I consider myself a very athletic person and can play sports for hours but running 26.2 miles was the toughest thing i have ever endured. Much Thanks to the supporters of my girlfriend Priscilla, Sahar's Mom, a friend from college Tisha, and the thousands for people along the path cheering us on. Enjoy the pics, some are from my iPhone sorry about the quality!


Registration Time!



Starting Line



Mile 4



Mile 9



Mile 10.5 quick character photo opt.....



Mile 18



Mile 20 another character photo opt



At this point we were dying!!








Our Supporters!!!



Downtown Disney Later that night



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Congrats on the marathon....that is awesome.


Tank looks great as well...glad the Sunpod is doing you right.


Thanks!! Yeah the sunpod is rocking!

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I was going to go with plixi glass too but realized it might warp under extreme heat, and it will eventually yellow, perhaps limiting the light entering the tank. I went with .125 Lexan, and so far so good. Just something to think about but your cover looks good.

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I combat the warping by flipping it over, over time and let it even back out...Didnt think about the yellowing but i will keep and eye out down the road and maybe try Lexan!! Thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...

New FTS....digging the new nass and cerith snails i got from reefcleaners.org!! Cleaning was a breeze.

Nothing new to report....check out the daisies growing on the back wall though!!




Halimeda and Fire Fern




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  • 4 weeks later...


Great looking tank!! Is that a Koralia in the back?? I have been thinking about adding one for some extra flow.







Okay so this weekend i was inspired and found some free time to change out my top. I was getting tired with the ceiling crate thing and realize that without it i could get some extra light and a nicer look!! So i grabbed some plexi glass, 1/4 inch thick, and went to town with my dremel. After some cutting, sanding and hole drilling i think i have a pretty nice looking top. I made 7 holes, 1 for my handle and 6 for ventilation.....which i may need a few more but for now pretty good. Plus i realized that i may need to slice across the front to make an easy access lid with some hinges but for now it will do until i get some more free time!!! Enjoy the pics and tell me what you think!!


So far i have noticed a 2-3 degree increase in temp but since my temps were down to 75-76 i think that i am okay...plus once i cut it for a lid more air will be able to escape. Hoping the trade off will be less evap as well!


I apologize for the crappy iphone pics but its all i had handy!







Fingerprints suck LOL








The Light made an instant difference!

Looks awesome beautiful life!

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  • 1 month later...

***Update TIME the good and the bad!!!****


So my plexiglass top is doing great...no discoloration and minnal warping....of course though as the temps climb outside, the temps are getting around 80 in my tank....i think it is still managable but i am montioring and getting ready to make more holes soon.... All the corals are still thriving and the GSP is taking over the back wall...I have been fragging GSP, Xenia, and other polyps/zoas for a friend of mine that have my hippo tang...his tank is coming along nicely...ill try to get pics of his tank...as i live vicariously through it :P


First the bad news...my sixline wrasse Mel decided to go carpet surfing :( Was a sad day yesterday as he was one of the original fish in my tank almost 2 years ago...


And now for some good news...went to my LFS a couple of weeks ago and found a nice frag for $10 ...what do you think?? Not the greatest pic in the world but they are some nice PE's...ill try to get some FTSs later to show how much things have grown!!



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