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Cultivated Reef

Trace Elements In Seachem Reef Salt


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I am currently in the process of switching salts in my aquarium.I have been using the liquid trace elements by Kent since my tank started, and now I am changing over to seachem reef salt.My question is, do I need to continue to add liquid trace elements if my salt has them already?

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Are you doing weekly water changes? If so, then you should have no need for dosing "liquid trace elements" because they don't deplete at the same rates. It's always good to be testing for things before you dose supplements, and trace elements are by definition present in miniscule concentrations (and hard to judge their effects).


If you have calcium hungry corals like SPS or tridacnid clams, then you can dose (with proper testing) a two part calcium and alkalinity buffer solution like B-Ionic. In addition to the Ca/alk, B-Ionic will help with addition of trace elements.

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I try to do weekly to bi weekly water changes, and I do weekly testing on my tank, and I try and keep my hands out of the tank as well.I am starting to use the dry concentrate of the reef complete, and I was thinking of trying out the reef builder concentrate too.My tank currently has LPS and soft corals and one clam that I am boarding for the next few weeks.

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I am currently in the process of switching salts in my aquarium.I have been using the liquid trace elements by Kent since my tank started, and now I am changing over to seachem reef salt.My question is, do I need to continue to add liquid trace elements if my salt has them already?


Personally i would dump the Kent Trace Elements...It contains almost nothing!


As far as salt mixtures are concerned, i use Red Sea Coral Pro, and since switching from the regular Red Sea to this i have noticed better growth and overall quality of my corals and fish as well. I have heard Tropic Marin is great...I haven't tried it, maybe if someone that does wants to chime in. I have used Red Sea for 12 years and stick by it!


Many of your trace elements will come from your salt mix...I have used Red Sea Trace for a while now, and have found that it works very well. Put it this way, if you don't test for it, don't dose...


What do you do for calcium?



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The tank currently is only 10 gallons.The tank(s) I will move evereything into include a 25g display and a 30 gallon sump.The last time I tested my calcium I was at 480 but I have switched calcium brands and I have yet to test the new levels.Ive heard that reef crystals is as good as the seachem, and contains better calcium but I dont know about other trace elements.

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I recommend Red Sea Trace Elements...i find it works really well...I also recommend a 2-part mixture...like B-ionic, which i also use.



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