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Cultivated Reef

Help, adding fish


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I've tried to search for this question on other posts but been unable to find anything.


My question is this. Yesterday I added my first fish to my nano. It is a O. Clown. The plan is to add another one that is smaller, but later on so that the bacteria can catch up with teh added bioload. Well someone posted on a question regarding how many fish to add that I should add the clown fish at the same time because they are terriotorial. So who is right? Should I add both of them together at the same time, or like I was planning on before?






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i dunno bro there are lots of posts on this stuff, id go with a wrasse, or a goby maybe, maybe a damsel, you should be aite, maybe wait another month or so before you add another fish

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I think Damsels are bad? I heard they attack everything, I've no expereince with them though. As far as adding a clown, a lot of people like to add them as "mated pairs" because a lot of times they tend to fight until one becomes dominant. I have somewhat mated pairs and they still fight so go figure... I added one clown and then the second two weeks later. They both came from the same tank and lived together with about 10 other clowns. The clown was my first fish so I decied to wait and see if one survied before I added a second. They didn't fight for a while and now recently they started to go at it. I'm guessing either way would be ok? I heard they all eventually start fighting, just hopefully it'sn ot because one of the clowns died.

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