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Top Shelf Aquatics

{Sacramento}assist w/ more diversity in substrate?


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anyone in the roseville, citrus heights, well anywhere sacramento area who has any "life in the sand" they are willing to part with? abour two weeks after i set up my tank, i had to take it down and move in onto another stand. the substrate disturbance, and movement of live rock killed a lot of the small pods, dime sized starfish, and other "wtf is that" creatures that caused helped the other life in the tank, and made me stare at the tank at least 5-10 minutes more. the pods are on their way back, and the tank is fine, but i am wondering if there is anyone out in my area who is willing to take the time to collect a little bit of the life on around and in their live sand, so i can kick start the diversity i once had? im not asking for anything that you dont have an abundance of, just what you have a ton of. i dont have anything to trade, i just started almost 2 months ago. well if any of you people from sacramento are willing to help me out, please email me.



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