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Cultivated Reef

Hurricane Bertha hits Michigan reef


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Okay so maybe it wasn't Bertha, maybe it was Hurricane Henry! As some of you know I have been building a biotope of a reef flat. http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=142977 I have gotten to the point where:

1. It takes some messing with on the scape to rearrange so that the coral grow out in the look of a flat.

2. It is rather boring as the movement within the tank is relegated to the fish which can only really swim over the rockwork to be seen.


Therefore I have re scaped the tank. I have gone for a canyon type look up the middle. Still primarily SPS coral with a zoo colony and a couple of photosynthetic Gorgs. (Maybe a Eupyllia is in the making down the road)

Fish are 2 blue\green Chromis, 1 Talbot's Damsel, and 1 2.5" Foxface that is being rotated out when they get to 3-3.5" (for Caulerpa control)

During the power outage here a while back I lost my Geometric Pygmy Hawk and my Pom-Pom crab. Along with the assorted snails and hermits there is a Peppermint shrimp and an Emerald Crab (I think the Emerald is still there although I have not seen him in a while)


Pictures will be forthcoming. I hope you all like it as much as I do so far.

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Nick's Reef

Wow, spanko, that stinks that you lost the geo, they're such great fish. But on the other hand, i can't wait to see what the tank looks like now. :D

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Broken green slimer







Kryptonites 2




Orange cap and Digitata




Pavona 2


Red cap Milli and Stylaphora




Top down canyon


Top down left


Top down


Worm porites


Broken green slimer and Hispada


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+1 I don't get it....


But, Is that Spirobranchus porites (x-mas tree worms) on the left?

How hard are those to take care of?

I love how cute it looks!

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Okay, Hurricanes don't hit Michigan. Bertha is a current Hurricane heading towards Bermuda and the US.

Just thought it would be cute to say a hurricane hit my reef flat tank and caused the re aquascaping.


If you got to explain, it ain't so funny. icon_redface.gif


Yup the Poites is a Christmas tree rock. It is under 150 watt MH in my tank and has been doing well.It has the worms, some strange looking crab that lives in a hole, a barnacle that lives on one side, and a red/white striped brittle star living in a cave in the rock.

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Okay, Hurricanes don't hit Michigan. Bertha is a current Hurricane heading towards Bermuda and the US.

Just thought it would be cute to say a hurricane hit my reef flat tank and caused the re aquascaping.


If you got to explain, it ain't so funny. icon_redface.gif


Yup the Poites is a Christmas tree rock. It is under 150 watt MH in my tank and has been doing well.It has the worms, some strange looking crab that lives in a hole, a barnacle that lives on one side, and a red/white striped brittle star living in a cave in the rock.

If we knew you were from MI it might have been funny, but probably not! lol!!!!

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Nick's Reef

Wow! I love the fts, it looks so much better than before. it used to be so bland, but wuld've looked awesome all grown out.

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Wow Henry.....that new scape looks great. Honestly, I like it a lot better than the reef flat. Just a whole lot more dynamic and adds that much more depth to the tank. Plus, looks like you have a lot more area on the rocks for more coral, etc.


Plus, I know how it is to look at your tank and just think to yourself, there is something else that I can do with all this rock. I messed around with my scape this past weekend as well....nothing quite as drastic though :) Sometimes I feel like I'm always tinkering with the tank.


All of your coral look so nice and healthy. How did you break the slimer? During the move or was it all that strong undertow wave action from the Hurricane :)

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Thanx everyone. I do like it better also.


Nick, just don't think there is enough area in the 29 cube to really accomplish what I was trying for.


Smoknta, thank you for getting my joke.


Dive, As always your evaluation means a lot to me. I think the depth is what gets me excited about it now. I think also that the caps growing out are going to make a really strong effect on the overall look. Okay let's blame the break on the slimer on the hurricane undertow rather than the real reason, my fat fumbly fingers.

:P :P


Although now I have two pcs. The branch in the top down canyon shot and the broken pc.

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I am starting to dig these "canyon in the middle" setups. Ive seen a couple now.

I am still trying to figure out how to aquascape my rocks when i get some more in soon.

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Hee Hee. From New Baltimore. Not far from Canton.

I have a neighbor who recently moved there. Sweet looking tank!

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Thanx for the kind words everyone. Travisurfer the worm rock is doing well. I have all of the worms which are cool, but there is the brittle star, a baranacle, a couple of strange looking crabs that live in holes. Cool stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New Pictures





Canary Blenny



Hammer Sponge Talbots









Orange Digitata



Orange Montipora Cap









Porites Worm Rock






Slimer and Millipora



Montipora Hispada


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The tank looks fantastic Henry. Every time that I see your scaping I'm in awe of how aesthetically pleasing it is...to me at least :)


Great captures of the Kryptonites and and the hammer.

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Nick's Reef

Looks great! And i love canary blennies, the only thing that keeps me from getting one is their posinous bite.

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Thanx Nick. When I was looking into the blenny I found they are normally peaceful and will only bite if attacked. So far this has been true in my tank. here is the article that actually sold me on getting one of these creatures. There is a discussion on page 3 about the venom and any potential bite to a human.




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Nick's Reef

Sorry, the link comes up as a blank page and in the bottom left corner on my loobar it says error on page

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