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PLate Coral doubled in size in a matter of hours!!!


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I have been having some trouble keeping my TR False Perc Clowns out of my LT PLate Coral. Well today when the two started fighting, I decided to move the coral from the sand up onto some rock which is kind of flat, but bumpy. I felt bad for the coral, it didn't look to good cause the clowns like to bite the tentacles, so I fed it one block of those frozen mysis shrimp. I just got it and have no prior experience directly feeding corals, and this is my only coral. So, I broke the block up into four smaller pieces and stuffed it into the corals mouth one by one. I was afraid that I had given it to much and that it would die, like I said I have never done this before. Anyway, I go to the movies and come back and the coral it twice the size it was in circumference and it tentacles are more extended than they ever were before, since the clowns did nothing but bother it. So do you guys think the plate will be ok on the rocks for a little while or does it have to be on the sand? Did I feed it too much, or the wrong kind of food? and is it normal for this thing to grow so much? The plate part of it looked hard before, now it looks kind of soft as it has expanded. Did I F up or is everything going to be OK? Thanks!

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What my fungia does after it eats is exactly what you described. I'm pretty sure it is part of digestion. Depending on the size of your plate, I don't think you overfed it. I think everything will be okay, but you have to move it back to the sand!!! They will get scratched on the rock (not to mention possibly fall). I have a feeling that the plate will recover from being pestered, and might even tolerate being a clown host. Look for a thread titled something like "my clown is using my fungia as a host." If your plate is going to host clowns, you might want to start feeding it weekly, maybe 2 x's a week. You shouldn't have to stuff food into it's mouth, it won't appreciate that. Just put some on it's tentacles and it should put it in it's mouth. Fungids are hungry corals, I think routine feedings could prevent it from eating your clowns (just a thought).

Good luck!

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Hey thanks for the advice. I was thinking that it might get used to hosting the clowns. It did look a little shaky on those rocks, I will move it back to the sand. It looked great after I fed it. The guy at my LFS told me to feed it twice a week to. What do you feed yours????????? I will check out that thread you said right now. And thanks for the great reply....It's all good.:happy:

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Originally posted by nanonut

so I fed it one block of those frozen mysis shrimp.  I just got it and have no prior experience directly feeding corals, and this is my only coral.  So, I broke the block up into four smaller pieces and stuffed it into the corals mouth one by one.  


Don't forget to thaw the frozen food before feeding.

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Yeah I was wondering about that. I let them thaw in my hand while holding it in the tank, I turned the PH off cause it blew the food around too much. Thanks

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I give mine squid, krill, mysis shrimp, prime reef, silversides and as a treat live brine shrimp. IMO giving your corals and fish a variety will make them happier in the long run. I soak my food in kent marine zoe and marine C. Lately, I've been thinking about trying a garlic soak. Does anyone have experience using any garlic products?

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i think garlic is great as a preventative for fish. i use plain off the shelf garlic gel caps. much cheaper than any of the products at the store and usually have a higher concentration of garlic. i have also used it to fight ich and blackspot. works great

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Gerard the fish
Did I feed it too much, or the wrong kind of food? and is it normal for this thing to grow so much?


There is no such thing as "overfeeding" a coral. Actually its impossible as there mouth and anas are the same thing. Speaking of eating to much check out my sun coral munching down :-D


While eating:



After eating





- g

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Beautiful sun coral Gerard! What do you feed it and how often? I would like to keep one in the 110, but they have been known to be hard to care for. I agree with you as far as overfeeding your corals is concerned, however, if the coral regurgitates the food, and it is not eaten your water quality will deteriorate over time. This is another reason why giving your corals a variety of foods and observing them during and after mealtime is crucial.

I've noticed that some corals (not my plate coral) will not eat brine shrimp, especially my bubble coral. SLO, I will have to try the garlic for my clown with a blackspot.

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Gerard the fish
I'd also like to know what kind of care is involved for a sun coral. They certinally are beautiful.


Beautiful sun coral Gerard! What do you feed it and how often?


Dont believe the hype on these corals. If you find having to target feed a coral ever other day hard? well than the sun coral is not for you. These animals do well in any type of lighting, They seem to do best in high to medium flow (for ditrus removal).


That being said I feed my Sun Coral a mixture of Mysis, Brine, Vitamins and the coral crack known as cyclop-eze and in doing so it has rewarded me with massive polyp and calciitc growth both in size and number. (started off the size of a golf ball and is now the size of a mans fist)


Screw the sun coral (though it really is nice), what kind of cam are you using for your pic


Nikon Coolpix 4600




- gerard

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