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Coral Vue Hydros

Conflicting Nitrate Test Results


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Hey everyone, I could use a little advice and/or assistance.


At home I'm using an API Test Kit which showed about 10-20 for Nitrates (I have a little trouble with the colors).


Being concerned I took water samples to 2 LFS who both told me everything looked good and I had no nitrates to speak of, or none at all. One using API also, and one using Salifert.


I assumed that I had a bum kit, so I picked up a Red Sea Nitrate kit. Got home, ran the test, and sure enough it's reading about 20.


So, is this just another case of "Don't trust the LFS!", or is the 20 minute transport of the water, in a ziploc bag causing something to change in the water sample?


All that's in the tank are 6 snails, an Emerald crab, a couple hermits, and a peppermint shrimp. And I'm not feeding. Replace floss every 2 days, just did a 10% WC.


Thanks for helping the newb.


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I don't trust the LFS EVER. You need to throw your Red Sea kit in the garbage. Total waste of money. API kits are OK, but they have a short shelf life and no dates to speak of. You really should just pony up and buy your own Salifert or LaMotte kit to be certain.

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The nitrate test kit from API is such a pain in the butt. I can see where a LFS could mess it up.

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Sexy Shrimp

If you are "shaking the cr*p" out of bottle 2 then trust your results rather than the LFS. You could always "control" your kit by testing freshly mixed water and seeing if you get 0 nitrates. This would only work if you are using RO though...

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