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JBJ nano cube note, carbon in the tank.


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I got a JBJ nano-cube about 3 weeks ago and started cycling with some LR. I read that the bio balls and such are bad by reading some stuff on the site. So i go to take them out.


I pull up the media bag out that has the carbon in it. Now the media bag seems second rate and is basically just this net. As i take it out, a piece of carbon falls into the area in the back where the return pump is.


The pump started making a horrible, noise for a while. then the piece of carbon got ground up and its all over the substrate now in tiny pieces.


You guys think it would do a lot of harm there? or should i try and vaccumm it all out?


I'm 3 weeks into the cycle and the ammonia just got to .5 ppm now its up to 1 ppm.

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