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Re: JBJ Chillers


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I heard about it about I want to know too? I will call them monday and find out, if it is true Current 1/15 is the way to go....

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Its true. The Nano & Mini line of arcticas are being temporarily discontinued. They are working on a newer version, but the time to market is still TBD.


Sorry for the bad news



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Newer version? Is it things cost more to make then they can sell for? Since 1/10 HP Chiller cost about $350+ and they can't keep their cost for 1/20 and 1/15 under $300 for a compressor base chiller?


Any thoughts? I just call them and the lady who answer said it is discountinued but don't know if there is new one going to be coming out.



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Newer version? Is it things cost more to make then they can sell for? Since 1/10 HP Chiller cost about $350+ and they can't keep their cost for 1/20 and 1/15 under $300 for a compressor base chiller?


Any thoughts? I just call them and the lady who answer said it is discountinued but don't know if there is new one going to be coming out.




They sent me an email saying the discontinuation was due to the increased cost of producing such a small compressor.

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