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looking for feedback on "tube connected" tanks


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Hi all,

i'm looking at buying a 60 gallon "tube connected" tank, meaning it's basically two side by side 30 gallon tanks connected by 2 tubes (one on top and one on bottom). has anyone had experience with this type of tank? what are the pros and cons compared to a "normal" 60 gallon tank? what should i take into consideration when comparing this to a single 60+ gallon tank?


thanks in advance for any input... josh

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I wanted a tank like that a while back my idea was a little different... 75 Gallon for big fish, tubed into a 20H that was meshed for nano fish. Too much money and it would have looked ugly without the proper case... The idea is cool, but its boring.

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my thought would be to put it on a black stand, possibly with an acrylic strip on bottom, and leave the top open with a 48" MH light on top. someone makes a stand specific for this tank, but i don't really like the way it looks.



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Make a custom stand... What I was planning on doing was building a front wall for the 2 connected tanks, hiding the tubes connecting them, so it just looks like a 75 and a 20 in the same stand...

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Hard to clean tubes, multiple points for leaks to occur/develop. What happens if you accidentally drop something moderately heavy on one of the tubes?


Just seems like an increase in points of possible failure.

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I llike the loof. I saw a bigture of some rich guys house, and he had a tank or two in every room, all connected by rectangular "tubes" and they were clear, and fairly large. They followed along the ceiling, supported by wires.

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Sounds like its possible. Just think of it like a fuge only right next to the display and its the same size of the display! ;)

The only problem I see is if you ever had to move it the tubes would not be structually sound !

I think it would be cooler to extend the tubes Like have one tank on the left side of your couch and the other tank on the right , fish would be swimming in tubes behind your head ! Like a hamster cage!

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