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sil80guys 55 gallon


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So I finished setting up my 55 gallon tank last night at around 11:40 pm. Now its time to cycle. I got a lot of rocks in my tank, but havent really done anything with it. I just threw it all in there last night. I guess ill move the rocks around on monday. I dont think ill get any hitch hikers though. The lfs I got my rock at ordered it from some place, and so far it doesnt look like anything is actually alive in it. Damn I was really looking forward to seeing things move around too.


Only real problem I find with the tank is that its really loud. The Return pump has a loud hum. But I think I can get used to it. I had problems sleeping a lil but I still ended up sleeping.

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Ok, I redid my rocks so it looks better. :D anyways here are some pics



i guess the camera made it green. who knows why. fts



extended mid pic.


hope you guys like it.

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Looks like a good start. Be very patient with adding stuff, it'll pay off in the long run. This is the most crucial stage of this tank's life.


Which koralias are those?

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its 2 koralia 3's, i know to be patient. You probably havent read the other posts of mine but it seems like im gonna be waiting for it to cycle for a good month or 2, then when i get money ill be adding cuc then come september ill be adding lights and my first coral.

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That sounds like a good plan to me! Aren't the k3's great? My buddy (who owns a couple of 240s, just noticed your username) has 2 k2s in his 55 and I don't think it's enough flow. He's content with it, but he didn't have much flow with his old MJs, so he doesn't know any better. What kind of lights are you planning on?

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I think the k3's might be a little to much flow? if theres such a thing. but the sand is being shifted around, not blown around so i guess its fine. I really like how the sand looks though.


I plan on getting the outer orbit 250w MH set up. If I dont have 800 bucks by the time I need it, ill only have 500 bucks to spend so I havent really figured what lights I can get for 500.


Unfortunately, fewskillz, i do not have a sil80. I plan on getting one but not anytime soon. I can however get pics up of my friends 240's, if indeed you still wanna see pics of them.


And thanks renegade, i shall keep up with the updates.


Ill probably end up doing water tests with the test kit i use for my freshwater, it says its for both salt and fresh so it should be fine. Only problem is i can only check PH, KH, GH, NO2, and NH3/NH4+. so ill have to pick up a reef and a marine test kit by the end of the month.


Hmmm, if anyone knows of good lights that are 500 dollars, then maybe I can buy a chiller after all, my temps right now stays stable at 80°, but i really want 76-78.


Just realized you guys might need to know what i was gonna keep, if you were to recommend me some lights. I plan on getting a clam or 2, I havent really decided yet on which ones. I would like to keep all sorts of lps, sps, etc. I havent really decided on my live stock since thats too far from now. But i would like some lights that will produce enough lighting, so that i can have many things to choose from for my tank.


Thanks in advance.

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nice one of my friends has a KA in his 240 he recently got hits carbon fiber hood too. he says its one of a kind import from japan.



woo my tanks 1 week, time to throw a party!

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Sorry for the jack, and yes you are off to a nice start, here's some of pics i took










lol at the unprofessional paint job i did, but its temporary im going for a pearl white with a CF hood

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You did the paint job? It looks great. Are you planning on upgrading the KA to an SR20?


lol oh yea ive also seen some 240s with the RB26DETTs in them also. If your into that drag racing stuff.

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yeah i did it myself its primer, i want a panda style look with it when i get it professionally done , i think i will go with a SR20, but im not sure yet i want to have fun with this, im not a dragger, so the RB26DETT is probably not the best choice for me, i like drift! lol


if i do upgrade its not going to be for a while, so i will look for some more options. im satisfied its a 92, only 60k miles on chassis and same for the motor


in other news i helped my cousin out with a swap on his 94 civic hatch, went from a b16 to b18, we dont know what to do with the b16 yet

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how did the swap go? from the sound of your post it seems like everything went fine.


so nothing new has been going on with my tank, still waiting for it to cycle. doing my topoffs everyday, cleaning the skimming cups everyday. But i do have a question. Should i add mud and lr to the refugium after the cycle? or should i have it in there now?


also in other news my friend wanted to get a tank, and of course he didnt listen to my warnings or anything so he bought a tank thats been established for i think 2 months? in a jbj nano 24gallon.


When i went to pick it up with my friend, the tank was ok looking till i saw the corners and such. I could tell the owner try to scrub as much algae as he could before we got there, but still there were plenty of it. No hermits, and no snails. just a peppermint shrimp, blue tang, 2 clowns, some fish that looked like a very skinny puffer, and some type of goby, 2 anemones, and some shrooms. obviously the blue tang would out grow that tank, but once again my friend didnt want to listen. he just wanted it.


the move went fine. however he lost the shrimp, and the goby today. im trying to help him get the tank back on track but he doesnt want to spend any more money on it. but i think i convinced him to get a cuc. if all goes well he gets a nice tank, if it doesnt i get a new qt tank. sounds like win win to me :D

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Sil-80 is dope what are you talking about, hahaha... flip up headlights FTL. unless its a S13 pignose on a S14. S chassis is off the chains, they got me into RWD imports back in 1994

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seriously, sil80s are awful. Body lines just don't flow. Coupe = silvia, looks awesome. But something about the silvia front end on the hatch doesn't work.



You're in america anyways, wouldn't it be a sil40? or with an SR a sil00?


sil80, gross





so much better




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I had a S13 hatch with a Q series sil front end(square heads) and R33 tails, fully shaved and molded. Attempted a Rb26 swap and failed.

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I had a S13 hatch with a Q series sil front end(square heads) and R33 tails, fully shaved and molded. Attempted a Rb26 swap and failed.



yeah, the whole shaved and molded thing I don't understand. As soon as you put a wheel on track all of that bondo/fiberglass work just cracks.


My bumpers are ziptied on so the ziptie, not the bodywork, breaks when I go off course.


I guess i'm just one for over simplifying things.




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sil80guy, if the sand shifting around is bothering you get a few handfuls of crushed coral or something and mix it in with the sand in the areas that are getting hollowed out.



don't do an sr20 swap, with the same amount of money you can get much better power out of a ka-t. Here are my friend's 240s.


The daily driver/autocross car, basically a stock ka24, full suspension, 18x9 w 245/35 front, 18x10 w 275/35 rear. After this autocross season this car is getting an RB30 swap.



The vert, it's still at National Speed, but should be running by this weekend. I'll give the brief explanation: built KA-T, full suspension, silvia conversion, origin widebody kit, this will be a street monster for now and eventual drift car (once the Halo cage is complete) because it's the flashiest of the bunch:




He also has a coupe with a SR and a gt28. That car will replace the S14 as the autocross car. It's waiting on a wiring harness and it'll be running. No pictures of it.


I figured I'd share these here since everyone else has, but to keep the hi-jacking to a minimum PM me with questions about the cars.[/hijack]

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thanks fewskillz, but i think after i changed the rock formations the sand stopped moving that much. its pretty much settled. I still have that question about the refug, if i should add mud or sand in it now or wait till its done cycling.


also i love how my thread turned into a 240 thread ahahah, if you arnt signed on and viewing this page as a guest, the ads are about sr20 engines and 240sx's. :D

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Nice! That's funny.


I've heard mixed results about using mud, alot of people wind up getting rid of it. I use a DSB in my fuge, I added it right from the beginning.

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so I never really realized how small some of the creatures could be. I cant have pics up for IDs till friday, but I can describe things to the best of my ability.


So today I was staring at my tank and imagining what can be, when i noticed a fan. so i was like cool maybe feather duster. the ones in my tank are really small, some are the size of a pin head and the others are double that size. The "feathers" are brown and white coloration, while the others are either just brown or white. From what I can see they hide and come out of tubes, or from in the rocks. Im hoping its not aiptasia.


Another thing i noticed was something inside of a rock hole moved, but i havent seen anything come out of it yet.


The last creature i saw, was a worm. It looks like I have two different types. One is brown with a black line going through the middle, and the other is a bright red, like s strawberry color.


Hopefully more things pop up. I cant believe ive never seen these things in my tank till now, and i cant believe how small they are compared to the tank.

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Ok so I think my tanks almost cycled? But I didnt get an algae bloom. Is it because of my skimmer?


My parems are


NH3/NH4 = 0 ppm

NO2 = 1 ppm

NO3 = 20 ppm

my pH however is low, its at 7.8


Should i get one of those pH liquid buffer things? if so does anyone know of a good product?


And i think my cycle is almost done because ammonia > nitrite > nitrate, so since i have my NO3 at 20ppm it should be done soon?


If im wrong please correct me. I hope i am right so i can finally add some hermits.


and the last question i add hermits once NO2 and NO3 is 0, correct?

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