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Sunrise Dottyback, nano reef safe?


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I have been thinking of getting a Sunrise Dottyback for a 10 gallon nano. I was just wondering if any body had any bad experiences with them in there nanos? Do they bother dwarf hermits, snails, shrimp, corals or other fish? I know most online stores say reef safe, but I want to be sure.


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I had one in my 7. The first day it swam around and nipped at all the inverts a few times, just to put them in thier place, but after that, no problem. Never messed with any of my corals. It was the only fish in the tank, so I can't say how it reacts with other fish. But being a dottyback, it might be aggressive toward other fish, esp. in a small tank.

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I've had some in larger tanks and they seem to pick at things once in a while but he's never caused any serious problems. I do like them and if you wanna keep one I'd suggest it be the last fish you add to your reef. They can be territorial.



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in a 10 gallon i would have it as your only fish. it will pick at other fish and maybe even kill.....i had one in my 10 for a while and even though it was the 2nd fish added it still killed my clown.

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