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Coral Vue Hydros

clown fish looking pale


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I put my first percula clown fish into my cycled 7 gal tank. Initially it seemed scared, and kept to it self on the 1st day. 2nd day was better and was lively and swam everywhere. I tried to feed it flakes but it would not eat it. Finally on the 4th day, i noticed his face started to turn slightly pale/white looking.


I did a water change on the 5th day, cause it was the end of the week. I did test for ph, NH3, etc before the change and it was normal.


Question : Do you think it is some disease or he is hungry and needs different type of food like brine or pellets ?


any suggestions would be helpfull.



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It could be nutritional; they require a quality (yet varied) diet. I’d be surprised if it didn’t eat Formula One frozen; I use the flat sheets because it’s easier to break off small amounts. I also use Formula One and Two pellets (which I have to break up for my small clown). Finally, I feed Prime Reef flakes. Ocean Nutrition manufactures all of these foods. Note that this is what I do, but there are numerous diets that can be successful. It’s not unusual for a new fish to not feed, but once they get going, clownfish seem to eat anything. I’d try some frozen (thawed) to get it to start feeding.


Are you using RO/DI water with a good salt mix? What’s the SG; how about the other parameters? Don’t feed it brine, because they are lacking in nutritional value (at least for clowns). Are there any other symptoms?

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I'll try Formula One frozen and see how it goes, thanks for the info.


Im using RO/DI water with Ocean Salt mix i believe. SG is 1.023, NH3 and NO2 is 0, while NO3 is about 5 ppm, while P04 is 0 ppm. So chemically the water seems fine. But i haven't noticed any symptoms that I am aware of.


I'll let you know how it goes ....

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well my LFS didnt have any formula one, so i bought the brine shrimp. And viola, he was eating it like crazy. So maybe that was it.


I left it for a few hrs, and noticed his face started to turn back to its original color ;)

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