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Tell me how to target feed....


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I know this is going to make me sound like a real bonehead, but last night when I was feeding my clowns by shaving off some brine shrimp from those little frozen cubes they come in, they kept begging for more so I kept on putting more and more in there over the space opf a few minutes, watching to make sure they were still eating it. These guys BEG for food, hanging by the food opening on my 7 bow until I throw something in there. They will not let me forget to feed them ever.


The last bit I put in there went uneaten or got away from them or something and the few corals I have then did an impressive job of catching and enveloping/eating the bits of stray shrimp. I do put phytoplankton in there which is a form of food for them, but if they are so capable of catching something as substantial as the shrimp, I also figure a little target feeding once a week is in order. So how do you do this using frozen shrimp?





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Buy a baby seryinge from a drug store. take a small peice of air tubing and conect a long peice of hard air tubing toit. viola! A target feeder. You just suck up the brine/what ever. and slowly push the plunger down right over your coral. ( Make sure you are close to its mouth.) and when you feed them turn off your skimmer and power filter.

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