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Innovative Marine Aquariums

cant find water movement post, film on top of water


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someone mentioned they have an HOB filter, and they raised it, to help get that film on top of the water, under the water to further be filtered? i cant find the post about that. if any of you have done this, or maybe have any tips on how to take care of the problem without a surface skimmer, or physically cleaning it yourself, could you please give the knowledge?

thank you


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What size HOB do you have. I have a AQ mini and I couldn't raise it enough to really do any good with surface film.


I do use a mini-jet in my 7 gal behind the rocks angled upwards. I get nice surface agitation that works pretty good.


An old freshwater trick was to take a piece of news paper and lay it on the surface and it picked up all the scum. I haven't carried this over to saltwater worried about the ink. It only takes a second so I doubt too much would leach out. Try that at your own risk though. HTH

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i have a 125 penguin bio-wheel. i had the bio-wheel and filter out for a while. but the film on the top is starting to bug me. i have the filter back in thinking it would help the problem out, but it's not. so im gonna take the filter out, but put it back in when i clean it and do my little weekly disruption inside, then take it later that day. the bio-wheel may make its return, IF it clears up the surface. some of my early pictures show the top real clean, and the bio-wheel, although it makes that noise and made water spurt on the light glass, if it clears the surface, it's back on. maybe poking holes in each flap? anyone done that?


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I've done the paper towels thing. It works OK, but it took a lot of paper towels to clean the surface of a 29 gallon. When I had my 12 gallon, I noticed that the film was gone after working in my tank for a while. I think it was all stuck to my arms.

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well my surface water is now clearer from the bio-wheel causing more agitation to the return water. all i have to do now is glue or set a small plastic flap in front of the return water to keep the water from splattering the top of my light fixture. settles my problem.


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