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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Cycling with my last thread..ever


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What kidna tank you want? What size tank, do you want a sump, no sump, etc.... What do you currently have? We need more info....



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get the tank, the rock, sand and salt. Mix the water up (get a hydrometer or salinity monitor) and let the water sit. Put the sand and rock in the tank. I prefer to put the rock on the glass and the sand around the rock.


Add water and wait. cycle should start up in a couple of days.

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Crakeur has a good point there. Be sure to put your live rock on the bottom of the tank and pour sand around it. If you ever decide to keep something that burrows (i.e.- jawfish, shrimp goby), you'll be glad that it's not digging uder your live rock and making it fall over.


As far as the dead shrimp, isn't it easier to just feed the tank a little fish food now and again? Sinking pellets work nice for that, but IME I have found that the decaying material on the live rock (what you're curing in the first place and what gives it that ammonia smell) is enough to feed the live bacteria. HTH.



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