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Light in a tall nano-reef tank? Possible?


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I am thinking of converting my 90L (25-30gal? sorry, I'm Australian) freshwater tank into a nano-reef. My first concern is it's shape however. It is probably twice as tall as it is round (or more acurately, hexagonal), and I know from expeariance that plants that do well in low light go much better in this tank. Will this be enough of a problem to make a marine setup unfeasible? Will a powerfull enough light to reach the bottom be too strong for the top?:( I can't remember the dimensions off hand but will check when I get home.

Thanks in advance.

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Metal halide lighting will likely get enough light to the bottom for corals. It all depends on what you want (the look, the cost, and the coral species). Do you care if you use the stock hood and light strip? A compact fluorescent light retrofit solution might be enough to keep corals that require less light. If you use PC lights, coral placement might be important, as the light is stronger towards the top of the tank.


You might also want to check out HelloLights.com (one of Nano-Reef.com's sponsors).

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