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Coral Compatibility


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Are Frogspawns more compatible with Xenias or Leather Corals or neither? I was looking to get a Frogspawn, but have heard much about their sweeper tentacles, so was wondering as to what corals would survive being in the closet proximity to it possible?

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Any coral that has sweepers should be kept a good distance from any other corals. The frog will sting any other corals within striking distance.

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Thank you Crakeur and Churfa for your advice. I think I will put the Frogspawn on one side of the tank and the Xenia on the other side just to be safe. Would I be able to have Mushrooms or Button Polyps close to the Frogspawn should I leave the Frogspawn completely by itself on the side of the tank?

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Frogspawns will sting all other corals, muhrooms,polyps etc. I have a few buttonpolyps next to my frogspawn and they are always closed, due to geting stung.

The sweepers can get pretty long sometimes so watch what you put near it.

They usually don't sting their same species, so you can put two next to eachother if you wanted.

Xenia really don't like frogspawn, so keep them away.

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Great info! Thank you Surfy! I have another question =) Would I be able to keep Frogspawns with others in the Euphyllia family/genus? Would they sting each other? I believe I read somewhere that it would be possible to keep different types of Euphyllia together without them stinging each other.

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