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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Lighting price war on the horizon?


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I have recently been looking into some lighting for a ten gallon nano I'll be setting up in the future. It seems to me as though what the Corqalife Aqualight co. is offering in the way of plug-n-play lighting hoods is a far better deal in terms of quality, features and price than just about anything else out there, and I mean by far. *Including* any deal I've seen on comparablly wattaged or priced retrofits which of course don't include the fans or hood itself. Coralife has a 96 watt hood, 20 inches long with a 50/50 quad bulb, two fans and splash guard selling (at most online shops) for just under $100. How can you beat that? Their other hoods also seeem to be a great deal and all come with fans and splash guards, etc.


I guess I am just wanting someone to pinch me so I can make sure I'm not dreaming or tell me I'm not the only guy who has noticed this. I keep comparing what's available, and for the wattage and money, I always seem to be looking at at page with the Aqualight hoods on it in the end. I think this is going to lead to a huge lowering of prices on brands such as Custom Sealife as they adjust to compete. Either that or it's a damn good time to buy some Aqualight stock.


I just wish they'd make their 20 incher in something other than just the extremities of a 28 watt (too little) or 96 watt (too much/more than I need?) hood with nothing like, say, a 56 watt in between. I need and can afford 56 watts but they only put that one in a 24 inch hood.


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I sure hope so. I think lighting prices are crazy!


On a side note, my LFS has the CSL 96w retro on *sale* for $199.99! Holy chit batman!

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I almost bought the Coralife 96w fixture... but ended up getting the CSL Powercompact/Moonlight 2x40w. It's around $115 at Marine Depot, but you can control the actinic, 10k and moonlight separately, which I wanted to be able to do.



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