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Frogspawn vs. Torch vs. Hammer Corals


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Alright, I've been reading as much as possible on these forums about frogspawn, torch and hammer corals and can't find any definitive differences. I know they're different species, but what are the exact differences between them, or where can I find this without (without buying a book, yet.). Thanks.



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hammer has tentacles with what looks like hammers on the end. frogspawn is green tencles with pinkish dots. torch is straigth tentacled

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All of these are in the genus Euphyllia . Frogspawn: E. divisa, E. paradivisa; Hammer: E. ancora; and Torch: E. glabrescens. E. cristata, also known as Grape coral, is also a member of this genus. All have hard, branching skeletons, and all are aggressive corals that require medium to high light.


Although they are agressive to other corals, they generally tolerate each other (I have a torch and frogspawn touching each other).


Hammer has short hammer or anvil-shaped tentacles. Frogspawn has longer knobby tentacles. Torch has longer tentacles with a knob at the tip. They all come in a wide variety of colors.


I have kept all three types. The hammer withered away and died for no reason while everything else in the tank was happy. Torch and frogspawn thrived and grew well.

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Any problems with them stinging you? Or do they only sting other corals? Perhaps that's a silly question... ha



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The only problem I had with these three corals is which one I wanted to purchase.. so I bought all three. lol


I don't think they sting you, at least they've never stung me...

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I touch mine all the time, they have not stung me. I would not touch them at night when the sweeper tentacles may be out. Those have been reportedly very painful. I have yet to see a sweeper tentacle, I would not even know what it is like or how different it would be from a "normal" tentacle. Perhaps someone could enlighten us?

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I'm sold.


I'll have to keep checking my LFS for some cheap small frags. Unless Nano Reefin' wants to frag me some. =]



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talking about sweeper tentacles, it's kind of weird, when I first got my pearl bubble, the tentacles are flying all over the place, but after a day or 2, I never see them anymore, and I never see the tentacle on my frogspwan ever, I don't know, maybe someone can answer that.

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I have two frogspawn's and one huge hammer in my 35g. They all get huge so watch out. I have been stung by one of my frogspawns before. It didn't really hurt, actually I didn't realize I got stung until I pulled my hand out of the tank. It left a couple burn holes in my skin, kinda like a blister with the skin torn off.

Just don't touch your skin to them for very long.

Moorediddy- I have a frogspawn I can frag for you if you want to make the drive to my house. I'm up in the San Bernardino area.

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  • 6 months later...

My hammer got one of his long sweepers caught in the intake of my power filter and when trying to get it out I ripped part of it. It never showed any signs of stress, but I havn't seen it sweeping close to it again LOL.

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My torch stung me once. it kinda made me jump, the wierd thing is that I have had it's tentacles touch me before and after and not been stung. It must have been a sweeper I guess.

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Sometimes if you have a cut you can actually feel the sting of these corals. Long sweepers seem more common in hammers like the picture posted above. Sweepers in many species of coral are made to break off so it doesn't usually do the animal any harm. But I wouldn't recommend it and in any case they will be regenerated quickly so it doesn't do any good.

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