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Coral Vue Hydros

found salt builtup on underside of tank, should i worry?


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i bought a used All Glass 20H from some guy several months ago. ealier tonight while i was looking at my snails and crabs (i have no fish yet) i noticed some salt on the bottem frame of the tank. so then i decided to look up from inside the stand, and saw salt builtup on the bottom glass, around the plastic bottom frame. the salt has not dried yet and was still wet. now the tank has been up and running for about 1.5 to 2 months. is this builtup on the bottom cause for concern? how difficult would it be to buy a new tank and move everything over. one problem i see if that i used epoxy to hold the rocks together. are there procedures i should follow to migrate my rock and sand and clean up crew to the new tank if i do have to buy one? thanks

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If you aren't spilling a boat-load of water when you screw around in the tank, I'd keep an eye out for a small leak. Clean it up, make sure you don't do any spilling and then check it after a couple of days... if it comes back I'd replace the tank before it becomes a huge problem.


The transfer may be a bit of a pain but it's pretty easy to just pony up the dough for a new 20H as opposed to waiting til your leak gets any worse. I believe there's a pretty good post about transferring stuff between two tanks... think it was a 12g eclipse to a 20 or some such.


My take anyways... better safe than sorry.



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I think you're looking at a small leak. The only way I can think that salt would be collecting on the bottom of the tank is if one of the seals is going. I had this happen to my 45 several months ago except it didn't give the tell tale signs. Instead I awoke to hear a hallow sounding water fall ( I lost around 15 gallons onto the livingroom carpet.)

Check all around the sides to see if there are any damp areas. If not then you will have to fix the leak. It may seem little today but tomorrow.......

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Could also be as simple as loose trim on the bottom: dipping your mitts into the water causes it to drip/run down the front. This will cause that salt creep on top of your bottom trim. This trim may not be fully siliconed all the way around (maybe only in the corners) and will cause the salt to accumulate where it hits air again: on the bottom of the trim.


Next, simple question: are you running a sump? I get salt creep all over the bottom of my 65 due to the activity in the sump. If not, I agree with wiping things up and looking around for a leak.

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