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Changed substrate today


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I changed substrate today from cc to about a 2" LS bed. I needed a new trashcan for my apt, so I got a new one from Wal Mart. I took everything out of the tank, put in all in the trash :D and layed down the sand.


Long story short, it looks a ton better. I found that a 20lb bag was perfect for my Eclipse 12 gallon.


Photos will come with the sand storm (no, not Darude!) settles down.

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I just did the same thing a few days ago. I have a question, did your tamk start a new cycle all over again? Boy mine sure did. I had to put anything that was living into a different tank in oder to keep from killing them.

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I'm not sure if it is going to go through another cycle or not. I have cured LR, and I added LS and got rid of the CC. I also used a good portion of the "old"water, and filled the rest with new water. I'm going to do all my testing today and see where I am at.

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I don't believe there will be a cycle... well if there is, it would be a mini one.. .because you are adding in fresh sand... if you transfer an existing sand bed to another tank, then there will be deaths and thus the cycle...


I could be wrong of course =)

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I didn't have the LR out of water for long. I had it out for less than a minute in open air. I would think die off from the LR would cause ammonia to spike which should be taken care of by the LS and the cured LR. I guess I will know for sure if I get a large ammonia spike today, followed quickly by nitrates.


I am going to keep a very close eye on things today. Also, what is this stuff called Prime I hear about?

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FYI, I did all my testing and I seem to be okay.


SG: 1.0235

pH is low, around 8.1 - I'm adding buffer tonight with a water change

Alk: 4.5-5

Nitrites: 0

Nitrates: 20 - going to do a water change, this is probably die off from the LR

Free Ammonia: 0

Total Ammonia: 0.1


Not too shabby. All the corals have come out fully, and the inverts/fish seem to be doing well.


I will keep everyone posted with what happens.

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I've been thinking of doing the same thing, but was worried about another cycle.


please let us know how it turns out, curshed coral is a freaking mess.

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