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i think my yellow tang has  a parisite

Cam barr

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hey guys the ich that i was talking abou is not ich its eather some sorta fungal infection or some sort of parasite ill post some pics this after noon i put a net in the tank so the tand gets used to it what one of the guys at the lfs said to do was take out the fish and eather quarintine him or just pich off the parisite is  the spots or spots are kind of round to oval and the have a flessy almosat tan apparence have looked in nurmours places for info but i couldent fing any what should i do set up a qurintine tank???? pick them off??? all helk will be apreacheated


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Have you considered punctuation marks?  Specifically, periods?


I had trouble reading your post initially, so I left it for others to decipher.


I'll take a stab, though.  A simple quarantine won't do anything, unless you either quarantine and medicate or use hyposalinity.  I've never been a fan of pinching off parasites, because they can cause more damage and possible infection in the process.  If you can get them to let go of their own free will (or die off), the fish will fair better.


However, I've no idea what treatments work for a yellow tang, or how susceptable it is to salinity shock during hyposalinity.


If it's fungal, keep up with good garlic-laden foods, and hopefully the fish will fight it off itself.  Otherwise, the same quarantine rules apply.

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what about a fw dip. or what about putting him in a 5 gal with some sort of copper tratment. also i think it might be culiflower somthing cant remember the full name think ill qurrintine him its not hurting him he swims happily all over the tank so i dunno could he fight it off himself????. thanks for the help cam

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i had experience with a tang that developed the same thing that my tang had. I would probably by a 10 gallon tank and place him in there with some no-ich marine, which is supposed to be excellent, but you could always use copper. What kind of tank do you have him in and how big is he?

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talked to the guy at my lfs and he said it was some sort of bacterial infection.he said it would  go away in a monthe or two i have him in a 40 gal

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  • 2 weeks later...

i believe that some treatments are not good with tangs, but i think the best method is to let the fish fight it on it's own, provided you give him good and stable water quality.  maybe get him a cleaner shrimp, but dips and excess moving him around will only make matters worse imo.  i have had good luck using a med called paraguard, but it might not work for your tang.  good luck


a bacterial infection is something i've never dealt with though..

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