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Cultivated Reef

My zoos are covered with a white film, and my plerogyra looks like crap


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Yesterday, my zoos looked good. I did my water change and last night, a section of the zoos that are on the rock were not looking right. There were some that were not completely closed up. Today, that same section was shrunken and closed, but they have a film on them. I also noticed these thin, long white worm types on the rock. I can't find anything that looks similar to these worms in my books. The zoanthid rock is next to the bubble coral but not close enough for one to sting the other. The bubbles are not looking plump, the mouths are exposed and there seems to be septa poking through. My water params are:

Ammonia: 0

Nitrate: 0.1

Nitrite: 0

kh: 10

Calcium 400

pH: 8.3

salinity: 1.024


Live stock:

blue and red legged hermits

astrea snails

skunk cleaner shrimp


hammer coral

green star polyps



green striped mushrooms (looking crappy)

blue mushrooms (looking even crappier)

yellow polyps

orange zoanthids

bubble coral


I will post a picture tomorrow, if anyone has any advice I'll appreciate any that I can get.

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  • 2 weeks later...

do the worms look like they have a very tiny pincher mouth and sort of an exoskeleton body? Do they stretch themselfves out realylong and realy thin? If they look like I described suck them out of your system PRONTO!!!!!!! I had 1 in my tank and it made a smorgasborg out of my finger leather, zoos and my toad stool leather. I sucked it up an dout with a turkey baster and all have made a total recovery.

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I've never seen their mouths, but they are very long and thin, almost thread-like. Do they only go after softies, or is it possible that they've been feasting on my bubble?

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