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Innovative Marine Aquariums

RO/DI unit recommendations?


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That site seems to say that it is a RO unit only. maybe i am just reading it wrong. I was just curious, because I definantly like the size and price. i have a 28g so it would be perfect for me.


You can get it with a DI module added for $99, which is what I just did. I am very happy with mine so far, it is extremely portable and easy to use.


Argh!!!!!!! The MightyMight RO/DI unit doesn't ship to Canada :(


Anyone fellow Canuck know of anywhere I can get one? <sigh>.


I just shipped one of these to the UK to help L34NNE out, I could always do the same for you. Canadian customs can be pretty picky, so you would need to check into their regulations to make sure it's allowed and find out what kind of customs fees you might be charged on your side.

If you PM'ed me your address, I could find out how much shipping charges would be.

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Thanks Weetabix! That's kind of you. I had emailed on Friday the company seeing if I can work something out with them in terms of getting it shipped to me. I'll check on any customs issues as well - who knows, it might be confiscated for all I know :(


I'll let you know - thanks again.



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shipping dry goods to canada isnt all that hard. to keep the cost down on the taxes or whatever they r just mark it as being worth about 25$ and a gift :)

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Thanks Weetabix! That's kind of you. I had emailed on Friday the company seeing if I can work something out with them in terms of getting it shipped to me. I'll check on any customs issues as well - who knows, it might be confiscated for all I know :(


I'll let you know - thanks again.




I just looked it up and it looks like it would be $42 for 5 day shipping and $30 for 6-10 day shipping.

It would cost exactly $113 to have it shipped to me.

And you're welcome! :)

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PM sent! :)




I just looked it up and it looks like it would be $42 for 5 day shipping and $30 for 6-10 day shipping.

It would cost exactly $113 to have it shipped to me.

And you're welcome! :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey folks - a note about horizontal DI stages:


Horizontal DI housings are a design intended to minimize the original cost of the system - you should be prepared for the tradeoffs. Horizontal DI units typically contain 8 oz. to 16 oz. of resin. Typical vertical DI cartridges contain 20 oz of resin. Obviously the more resin contained in the housing the longer it will last and the better treatment it will provide.


Some horizontal DI housings are not refillable - you'll therefore have to pay for a new housing every time you need to replace the DI resin. The cost of repeatedly replacing the horizontal housing will far outweigh any money saved up-front in purchasing the unit.


Perhaps most importantly, horizontal DI housings are a less than ideal arrangement for water treatment. DI resin beds shrink through normal use over their life span. You'll note that a cartridge that was full when new can sometimes have a ¼ inch of empty space in it when fully expended. When DI resin settles in a horizontal housing, it leaves a pathway (of least resistance) along the top of the housing where water can flow while coming into minimal contact with the DI resin.


You’ll note that the output from the DI housing is at the center of the end of the housing. Depending upon how your system is configured, RO water may enter the DI housing in port, fill up the housing until the water level reaches the out port (i.e., fill up the bottom half of housing), and then exit the DI housing. Your RO water has been in contact only with half the resin in the housing.



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Russ, I think I may be missing something here....It seems to me the units on your site (value to premium) all have horizontal DI carts (refillable). I cant get the pics for the residential systems to show up so I cant comment on those. Are the DI carts horizontal, or are they vertical and the horizontal portion is a different function? If they are DI carts, are they plumbed so they use max DI resin?

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The horizontal stage you see on our systems is the RO membrane. All our DI stages are full-size, vertical, and refillable. For instance, on this system the DI cartridge is in the vertical housing on the left:





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For those of you who don't know horizontal DI cartirges are BAD. They fall victim to channeling and lose effeciency rather quickly.

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bulk reef supply


Best RO/DI on ebay. Got mine for 115 on an auction. Plus they include all water connections needed at no extra. You can hook it up to the washer, the sink, the cold water line your choice. Check it out. I think it is the least expensive ro/di with a full Di canister out there. They even sent me a couple extra fitting since i have been asking them questions for the past couple weeks and i wanted to make a shut off to make RO only water for drinking. Andrew and Ryan are great to deal with. The clear canisters are also a plus because you can see how far along your filters are, but you should also invest in a TDS meter to confirm your visual inspection.

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Be careful where you put a filter like that with clear housings. If it gets sunlight, there can be an algae issue.

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Thanks for the advice. This is going in my basement so light wont be an issue. If it comes up a simple foam cover will suffice and still allow me easy visual access to see the condition of the media.


BTW, just got off the phone with BFS and Ill tell you what, the service is fantastic. Incredibly helpful and knowledgable and frendly to talk to. Highly recommended.



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