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WTF a crab!!!!!


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alrite, so i come home and take a look a my 5 gal......

i see my colt slumped over. No biggie right whatever. then a tiny ass white crab with claws and the whole nine, comes right out of the freaking colt. im talking from inside the colt. it made a nice circle cut. like,have you ever been to one of those forrests and they have that one huge tree that you can drive right thru. yep thats exactly what it did. it drove right thru.

now that is some crazy.........stuff.

kinda funny. B)

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  • 2 weeks later...

No. it might not. Cut the stalk above the hole and re atatch it to a rock. it will probably start growing again . That stuff is prety reziliant. BTW Lose the crab if you havent already.

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Man everyone is having weird critters appear lately. It's going to sound like I am embellishing but seabass has his tank at work and we spotted his hitchhiker crab today behind his blasto wellsi before I got home and it's a weird one too.


Must be the phase of the moon or something :P.

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No problem. BTW use a rubber band and wrap it to a rock for it to atatch. But do not "strap" it down. Make sure the rubber band dosent press in to the tissue. You want it to just barely push down and make an indentation on the tissue. Keep it in low current until it atatches again.

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