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Cultivated Reef

Stupid sand rinsing question.


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I have some white sugar sized sand(Natures Own from Petco) that requires rinsing before I put it in my tank. Is it OK to rinse the sand in tap water? I have Florida tap water which is a little high on the phosphate side. I'm not sure if there is any copper in it(my FW shrimp are thriving in it) but am worried about introducing anything slightly toxic into my nano reef environment. Also, what's the best way to rinse it? In a bucket and just let the water run over for a while? That's basically what I do with Flourite for my planted tanks but this sugar sized sand stirs up very easily. Thanks for any advice,


Scott 8)

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Should be fine in the tap water. I usually throw some in a "fish tank" only bucket and rinse it out. Once or twice per batch, drain it, and throw it in. You'll see most of the powder and particulate float.



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Thanks for the reply Cameron,


I was getting worried that it was a totally stupid question with my lack of replies. Again, the big thing that I am worried about is transferring any phosphate or toxic metals into my nano. I'll definitely be using a clean bucket. Thanks again,



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If it is live sand and you want to rinse it, you must use saltwater (put it in a bucket of SW and stir it around, then pour out the stuff that’s suspended in the water). However, you shouldn't need to rinse Nature's Ocean Live Reef Sand.


If it is dry sand, you can rinse it in either fresh or SW (since fresh water is cheaper, use it). However, I would only use the water that you are planning on making saltwater with (why take the chance of introducing something like copper). If you are using tap water, Physh1 said it perfect.


PS - I would only use tap water in my tank if nothing else were available. In my opinion, RO/DI water is best, distilled is good (but you still need to test it for copper), RO is usually fine (but some commercial systems don’t filter Nitrates).

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Thanks for the reply seabass,


Maybe I wasn't clear. I don't plan on using tap water in my tank, only RO/DI. I was just wondering if I can rinse the sand in tap water to save a little money and hassle. It is dry sand, not live. You've got me reconsidering now about the possibility of introducing something bad by rinsing with tap. Anybody else have any input? My FW tanks are thriving with my tap(I add Prime) but again, I plan on RO/DI for my nano water.



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Tap water should be fine to rinse with; however, losing anything in your tank is going to cost you more than rinsing with RO/DI water. Just a thought.


Edit - Come to think of it, I rinse my equipment with tap water (I can’t see trying to clean everything with RO water). Sand might be a little different in that it will probably hold more of the water.

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Yah cleaning stuff with RO water is overkill. If you consider the residual amount of water left in say...a filter rinsing...and then assume the contaminants are diluted out ridiculously, there isn't anything to worry about. For the sand if you are really concerned, do all your rinses with tap water, then a quicky rinse with a bit of RO water. Done.

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