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Should I get a Yellow Tail damsel or a clown?


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Hi guys,


My tank is now in week 5, and unfortunately since my blue damsel that I put in there took a cue from nemo and decided to go rug surfing, I'm looking for a replacement. I need some help in deciding though, I really want a fish in there before I add any coral frags. it's looking a little to peaceful and frankly a little boring just watching the feather dusters pop in and out of their tubes.


So which one would be a better suited fish for my 5GA nano, the yellow tail damsel or a clown? Now I'm not too familiar with the different clown species, anyone have a suggestion on what type would do well for me? I'm really planning on picking something up by this weekend.

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If you're planning to have just one fishy in there then I suggest a yellow tailed damsel, they're VERY pretty. On the other hand, they can be aggressive.


Get a Ocellaris clown if you are thinking about getting another fish later, a lot more peacful.


I have an ocellaris and a yellow tailed damsel together in my 10. While they fought at first, they USUALLY get along :happy:


Then again, you've only got a 5g, so you can only have one fish probably...... up to you:P

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Damsels are mean little fish and darn near impossible to get out of a tank. If you're planning on any other fish, then I agree with Jandree22, get an Ocellaris (False Percula). Much less aggressive. More personality also.

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In your tank, I would 100% go with the damsel. So many people now look down on damsels as they are 'not to be used because they are hard to catch to get out', but what about the people who want them as the sole aquarium fish? I think a yellow tail would be awesome, and they stay a tad smaller than clowns too.

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Damsels tend to be a tiny bit hardier than clowns as well.


If you want a fish with a wierd ass swimming pattern like a flag flapping in the breeze, get the clown. (Looks kinda funny, this is why I *heard* it's called a clownfish, who knows)


If you want a fish that has a very darty and fast swimming pattern, then definately the damsel is the way to go.

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Tank-raised ocellaris are very hardy as a damsel would be.They are still somewhat inexpensive, but a yellow-tail damsel would be much cheaper.


Nemo would have been a true perc. That is the species that occurs in the great barrier reef. The species classification (ocellaris vs. percula) is based more on geography. Ocellaris occur more toward Indonesia and Singapore, if I am not mistaken.

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In my experiences, damsels are more prone to hiding and darting around the tank. A couple pros though...since few corals are bright blue and yellow, the fish will stand out against its little home.....and it is fun to watch them cultivate their algae farm.


Some tank raised clownfish come in neon orange-red. they are slower swimmers, will feed from your fingertips, and i think it's cool to watch their swimming pattern. Mine have also spent more time at the front of the tank than my damsels. Their colors do not contrast as much with many corals as do the damsels......but it could be cool to watch a clown form a symbiotic relationship with an anenome or some corals

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I bought a established 10g nano and it had 2 damsel's, then I bought a Frogspawn coral and my big damsel kept nipping at it even after moving the coral he found it and nipped, but the little damsel was so active and interesting to watch darting all about the tank and being very active. I really liked the small damsel, but decided to trade both in since the big guy was bothering my coral, and I got a false clown. I had my false clown 3 day's now and all he does is swim against the glass like he wants to get out, he looks unhappy to me, is this normal for a clown fish? All my perameters are fine so it's not the water quality. My point is to me it seems that my damsels went about there life as if they were still in the ocean, very natrual activity, and the clown to me looked like he just wanted to go back to the store to be with he's friends. May be a mated pair would be happier, instead of a single clown? I think I will give the clown back and try and get my small damsel back, much more interesting to watch than a clown for me.


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and it is fun to watch them cultivate their algae farm.


Yes, but it is not fun watching them tear off pieces of xenia or GSP and having to re-position corals so the damsel does not confuse them for weeds. My yellow tailed damsel does that, my ocellaris never touches anything.

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Yes, but it is not fun watching them tear off pieces of xenia or GSP and having to re-position corals so the damsel does not confuse them for weeds.


awwwww....damsels are so adorable!!! sounds like someone's little fish needs to step up and recognize!



Anyone have any ideas of how to get the damn beast out of my tank other then removing all the lr?


the only way I have ever been able to do this is to really quickly drain as much of your tank as you can (not too much of a problem with 10 gal or less) so that the fish only has about 1-2 inches of water to move in....then replace all the water.....might not be possible if you have too many corals already attached to your rocks

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So which one really has the most personality? I doubt I'm going to find any tank raised fish around here. It's so much cheaper for them to pluck them out of the ocean and just sell them. I took a peak at what they have at the LFS today and they have both types of fish available for the adorable price of $0.50 a pop. Now that's not the cheapest I've seen but it's acceptable. My poor deceased blue damsel only set me back $0.10. am I right to assume that the damsel would be hardier?

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a damsel will watch you like a hawk....might even try and charge if you come close to the tank.....funny little dork


clownfish kinda just swim or vibrate or wriggle.....but they can turn into salivating little puppies when you break out the fishfood


it's so hard to say....that combination was my first 2 fish ever.....my first babies

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fishbabies: but you have a10 gallon right? Mine's a lowly 5GA...I thought about using my 10 but it just wouldn't fit on the table next to my bed. and for some reason i don't feel comfortable about putting more than one fish in such a small tank. I was already given warning when I put the blue damsel in my tank when I started cycling it...and now he's in fish heaven...I hope. Stupid reeftard fish. :)

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this was way back with my first 20 gallon sw years ago.....they used to argue all the time but it was funny


now i have a chromis and a gramma...



both your choices have personality....the clown is just more chill and sounds more compatible with coral...yeah, you don't want to put more than one fish in a 5

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I'd suggest an Ocellaris clown since I have the same too in my 5G aquarium. They really have quite a bit of a personality, and my favourite part is when it begs for food when I pretend to feed it. Get an Ocellaris clown.

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I'll go check out the selection this weekend...it all depends on which one they have available and if both are there I'll decide on which fish shows more personality.

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Just thought I'd let everyone know that I ended up getting a cute little ocellaris who is now happily adjusting to his new surroundings. I did finally get at least one test done...my ammonia is undetectable...what does that mean undetectable? I'm assuming it's zero. I ranout of cash for the nitrite/nitrate test though. Maybe next week.

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Good on you mate! (Don't we just LOVE clowns???) Same prob. here - ran outta cash for the nitrate/nitrite test kit. Couldn't buy it together with the ammonia test kit. I think I'll get mine by Friday. :

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