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Innovative Marine Aquariums

How to acclimate to nano lighting?


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I have set up a species specific nano tank for an anemone, but am unsure how exactly to acclimate it to the nano tank's lighting.


The LTA is currently residing in my FOWLR and is under NO fluorescents (tank is only 1' deep with 4" DSB ). He is doing fine, and has adjusted to the lighting, but how will I move him to the new nano, that uses practically the same wattage as the other tank but in 1/4th the space?


It is my understanding that Anemones, if they don't like the current lighting or anything else in the tank, will move to a more suitable location. In my nano's situation, there isn't anywhere else to go! It's either this lighting/flow, or nothing.


How can I acclimate him to the new lighting scheme?

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try putting in a piece of pvc coupling next to the anemone as a possible shelter or insert a flat piec of dry rock as a possible temporary overhang. if the anemone doesn't like the situation it'll tell you by going behind the LR or into the pvc coupling and staying there.


assuming there's nothing else in the nano i would raise the lights to approx. the height of the old tank (minus 20% maybe). then slowly inch it down day by day or so. if it pokes its head out and migrates toward the top of the LR you can accelerate the light fixture lowering.


if it stays 'undercover' for a while you may want to offer it direct feeding or change bulbs. my anemone's been 'screaming' at me to change my bulbs the last few days. :blush:

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I just moved him, and he's looking GREAT considering he was just ripped (gently teased) from his old home and thrust into a new one. I transplanted him (or her?) favorite rock cave along with him, and he's already buried himself in the sand and come out.


I can't really adjust the height of the lights, but I did think of something else to do: I only have one of my two 27-watt bulbs going right now. Hopefully with a positive response, I'll light the other one in a few days, or maybe just a few hours each day.

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