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Pics of the new AGA 16 bow...


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Okay, I have a pic of the new 16 bow which I got sent to me right from AGA (the picture, not the bow) and I told them I'd post it here. When I went to do that yesterday the server told me the attached file was over XXX size and could not be attached. Well the trouble with that was the attached file/picture wasn't f'ing anywhere NEAR the forbidden size. I tried twice.


So if someone who knows how to post a pic wants to e mail m, ask me to send it to them and then put it up themselves, please do so and I'll send it to you by midnight central time.


My address, which for reasons beyond my understanding I am unable to change in my profile to being the one I actually use and which the administrators have failed in all respects to help me with, is swoXXXrdfish@grandecom.net. Take out the X's before sending.



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There are X's in the e mail address since spammers use programs that scan the net ceaselessly to automatically "harvest" thousands of addresses for them to send their spam BS to. Some guys make a living collecting and then selling those addresses to spammers. If that address is this harvested, the harvesting program won't know to remove the X's, so basically they'll have collected a bogus address which they can never use to bother me with ads for penis enlarging pills. Like I need them anyway. Happy?

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