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Milk - I didn't rinse my sand


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In the excitement of putting in my 16lbs of beautiful live rock (2' tank - roughly 15Gallons), I added another inch of coral sand which the LFS provided. He said I could dunk it straight in, so I did.


I didn't see my rocks until yesterday afternoon


(incidently, the live rock is beautiful stuff, with massive encrustations of coralline "leaves" extending up to an inch away from the rock - at roughly $3/lb)


Now, everytime I do something, it stirs up this micro powder.


Should I leave it as is, and hope it dissolves, maintaining a high calcium level, or should I disassemble, and rinse all my sand (half of which is already live and teeming?


I have no fish/inverts to worry about (6 stupid blue-legged hermits, but they don't count), and a few mushrooms...


Yes, I feel stupid. Rub it in.

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if the sand is teeming with life, let it sit and don't stir it up. after a few days the sand should settle and remain settled unless you give it a real stirring.

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Well, it was dry coral sand, different from the stuff I already had in my tank. I only had 1.5", so it made sense to put in at least another 1".


It does settle nicely after a while, maybe it'll keep me from aquascaping unneccessarily.


I got a rock anenome on my live rock... dunno what to do with it. Worried it might bother something.

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hey Panic, don't panic.... (hehe, sorry, had to)


seriously though, sand it a lil biyatch that way, takes forever and a day to settle. Once it finally clears out and all settles you should be good to go, though.

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Hmmm, I'm hoping it dissolves/disappears over time.


I can't get over this live rock, I've never seen anything like it, can't believethe LFS let it go for so cheap. It's also not "solid" rock, very porous, lots of little holes for... hey, maybe there's a realy nasty mantis shrimp there...


hmmm (nope, no panic yet)

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