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I have a 3 gallon tank that has been running for about 1 1/2 month now. Theres a lot of red alage (cyano bacteria) and green algae. I see that there are bubbles gathering up right on top of my gravel.My CUC consists of 3 small hermit crabs and 1 snail. It seems as if they refuse to eat this red algae. How do I get rid of it? By the way the tank has an 18w light sitting on it.

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The only way I have been successful with getting rid of cyanobacteria is with the use of ChemiClean. I have tried to export nutrients through larger and frequent water changes (weekly) yet still get it back in my tank.

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I have a 3 gallon tank that has been running for about 1 1/2 month now. Theres a lot of red alage (cyano bacteria) and green algae. I see that there are bubbles gathering up right on top of my gravel.My CUC consists of 3 small hermit crabs and 1 snail. It seems as if they refuse to eat this red algae. How do I get rid of it? By the way the tank has an 18w light sitting on it.


If you have cyano you have a nutirent issue, too much... Are you feeding your tank too much? Are you doing frequent water changes (at least 10% weekly)? Are you skiming and changing/cleaning your filter media often?


I have observed that if your alkalinity drops, the cyano will go crazy on you. I dont know the reason but the last 2 outbreaks I had in my picotrope coincided with low alk. I got the alk back up and the cynao pretty much disappeared. Small tanks are a lot of work and you have to monitor and clean and do water changes! Pick as much of the cyano our as you can with tweezers etc and keep ater it.


Good luck!

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The only way I have been successful with getting rid of cyanobacteria is with the use of ChemiClean. I have tried to export nutrients through larger and frequent water changes (weekly) yet still get it back in my tank.


+1 on chemiclean. I used it, took it right up. I still have a small sign of it but its only been 5 days. My tank used to be dreaded with it. Things should clean up.

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