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Stupid heater!


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I came home today and found my pepermint shrimp dead on it's side and the clowfish was swimming around like nuts. What the?!!!


I check the water temp and it was at 96ºF!!!!! I just about ######. Damn Visi-Therm heater.


Took the cover off, drained some water and replaced it with cool water slowly to make sure that it doesn't cool too quickly. I also turn the AC to full blast to help out.


That was about 2 hours ago. Temps are at 84ºF so things are looking good.


I don't know how but the clown, hermits and Astrea survived. I mean, 96º is pretty freakin' toasty. I did not think the snail was going to make it cause his foot was all shriveled up but he's back to crawling around the LR so that's a good sign.


Hopefully the stress of the day will not affect them over the long haul.


Meanwhile, can I get a moment of silence for Pepe the Pepperming shrimp.

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I've had similar problems with the Visi therms as well. Needless to say I don't use them anymore. I have yet to have trouble with Ebo Jager, though. Just my experience.



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Agreed. I have a couple of VisiTherms in use and I find them to be quite dodgy. The thermostat drifts quite a lot over time. I've never had one stick on, but after hearing this story I think I'll replace them just in case, especially the one on my nano. I have two Ebo Jagers in FW tanks and the temperature never fluctuates; it stays exactly where the thermostat is set. I've heard nothing but good things about Ebo Jager.

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Anyone use the Hagen Mini Thermal Compact heaters? They are the only ones that I know of that will fit in my Aquaclear 150. I notice the 25watt and 50watt are the same size and price. Just go for the 50 on my 5 gallon tank? Any other small heaters that may work? Thanks,



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My only experience with Hagen heaters is with a Tronic that was, quite frankly, a total piece of crap. Thermostat drifted up to the point where it wouldn't turn on unless I stuck it in icewater.

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i dunno how big they are, but WON Pro heats are amazing. i have one in the sump of my 55 and it works like a charm. has external thermostat so u can adjust without digging it out and it is titanium so it wont shatter. i dont know if they come in 50w though....

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Thanks all. After doing some searches on this topic it looks like practically everyone is recommending Ebo Jagers so I'm going to go pick one up today.


On a related note, looks like the Astrea has licked it's last algae poor fella. Guess the heat was just too much for him.


Right now I'm glad to be a newbie. I was going to start puting corals in the tank next week. I'm glad this happened now instead of at a later date when potentially more livestock would have suffered.

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I had the same problem with a visitherm when cycling my first tank. Temp went up over 100 degrees, thankfully no livestock was in the tank yet.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Another note about VisiTherm heaters: The little Marineland fishy symbols that they've stuck all over the heater start to flake off after about 9 or 10 months in saltwater. At least mine did. I saw one drifting around in my tank and could not figure out what it was for the longest time...



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