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Cultivated Reef

Deciding if I should take up another nano reef after nearly four years


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Well, I was looking around my attic for something unrelated, and stumbled across my old first generation nanocube... I thought my parents had gotten rid of it, but I was proven wrong. I do recall part of the reason I shut it down was cost... the other was the first gens had a "problem" with the ballasts and water, and started my now long and colorful history of electrocutions (I've been hit by the nanocube, car batteries, and six Dell power supplies). I do have to admit, I miss this hobby. But I am at a college that costs close to $30,000 a year, and my employment is sporadic... I am an election judge, which I actually have to do on Saturday, March 8, and that nets me $150. I also am involved with my college's radio station, which is paid during our spring break, interim, and summer breaks (granted, it's minimum wage, but the hours can build up quickly). I have also picked up three expensive hobbies in the past four years: Cars, smoking cigars, and playing guitar. So I am wondering if it'd be worth it to start again with a very basic system. I have learned my lessons from the past, and I think if I give it another shot now, it will be easier due to what know now. I also have an arbitrary goal in mind the keep the initial start-up to less than $250. I plan to keep it just liverock for a few months after cycling to see what develops, then maybe in late may decide where the tank is going to go. I will use the stock lighting until I decide what direction I will take the thing, that is, if the PC tube is still good after four years of darkness, and the ballast doesn't kill me. So, should I try my hand at another nano?

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I think you should sit down and add up the cost of everything you will need and then see if it will fit into your budget to get those things.

If so, then go for it.

It also might not hurt to look into getting something like the 2x40w PC fixture by Current USA; it would help avoid future electrocutions and might be a better light source for your tank.

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you sound as lucky in electronics as my i work at my lfs and seem to buzz my self on a monthly basis from having water on my hands and touching plugs or extension cables :-( some of us are born unlucky

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Well, I have decided on the fish that would take "center-stage," so to speak (said stage would be shared by whatever soft coral frags I can get for less than $10 each). It is the orange skunk clown fish, Amphiprion sandaracinos. That was actually the very first fish I wanted almost six years ago when I started keeping a 20gal long, and I never got the chance to get one. I have been doing a little research on it, and, I have a few concerns. My biggest concern is its potential size of up to five inches, and I know from experience that a five inch fish has some pretty big waste potential, and the only clown I have ever kept was the evil maroon clown (I still have scars from him, later her), and he/she grew from 3/4" inch to 3 inches in just two years... I am also reading that this species does best with an anemone, but I am curious if a pulsing xenia colony will suffice for this species as it did for my maroon (it was the only soft coral not torn up). Now, if I go the xenia route, can I get away with the stock lighting if I keep the colony about 6 inches from the surface, or will I have to upgrade the lighting (something that will most likely happen anyway... I'm a gearhead... more power is good)? I also recall my xenia grew from a barely 2 inch frag to over 8 inches in about 6 months using the coralife 130watt PC fixture and some fairly strong flow. I know my questions are a bit on the rambling side, but that is what happens when procrastinating on 15 page philosophy paper, so thanks.

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You're posting on a nano-reef forum asking if you should start a nano-reef?


Did you really think we'd have varying answers?

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