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My neon green mushroom


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I bought a kind of neon green mushroom about a week and a half ago. Ever since the last 4 days, it seems to keep getting smaller in diameter. Any ideas of what might cause this and what I can do to help it grow? I have the stock lighting in the biocube 14 and a moderate water flow going. The mushroom is on one of the top rocks, pretty close to the light.

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I bought a kind of neon green mushroom about a week and a half ago. Ever since the last 4 days, it seems to keep getting smaller in diameter. Any ideas of what might cause this and what I can do to help it grow? I have the stock lighting in the biocube 14 and a moderate water flow going. The mushroom is on one of the top rocks, pretty close to the light.



I'm still no expert, but not all 'shrooms like bright light. Also most new corals shold be placed at the bottom of the tank so they can acclimate to the lighting, and then can be moved up and positioned. Again I'm no expert, so maybe others may have more insight.

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