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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Who likes Green Chromis??


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I dont hear green chromis mentioned very much in the message boards. I was just wondering what you guys think about them. I would like to buy some for my 25 gallon and would like to know if they are worth the space.

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Great Fish! good color, good swimmer, doesn't hide like others, and if you have several they'll lip wrestle!


I had 4 at one time.

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I share OTF's opinion. Great fish. I've got three of 'em in my 90, and planning to add more. If you put a group of about six or more together, they'll school, which is a neat thing to watch. Not very practical for a nano, but I think they're pretty cool.

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Chromis are some of my favorite fish....I have had several of these in several sw setups. They are very curious and show otherwise shy fish that it is OK to hang out in the front of the tank. In my experience I would recommend 1 or 2.....or 6-7 or more. in smaller groups of 3-6, they sometimes adopt a rather brutal pecking order and the runt of the group is likely to get picked on and commit suicide from heartbreak. they also seem to test other fish's patience by ignoring sovereign territories.....so if you keep 'em with damsels or very territorial clowns, they might end up finless. they also tend to be less intelligent than other fish and might wander into powerfilter intakes. one good thing about their curious nature though is that they will wander all over the tank.


their color varies a lot. some are more lime green..some more neon...some more aqua with blue or even lavender tones. i tend to prefer the blue-green variety as it appears their colors shift more from the purples and aquas at different angles....the green variety is not as bright and can sometimes look white under certain lighting angles. i always feed mine color enhancing food to brighten them up. check out this page to see the color variation i mentioned.... http://www.nano-reef.com/chromis/



i keep one blue-green chromis and a royal gramma together in my 10 gallon. the chromis really helped the gramma get over his shyness. the color combination between the 2 fish is very cool IMO.


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